Waterfall Gully
South Australia
This page contains research regarding the "haunting" of Waterfall Gully near Adelaide, South Australia.
is intended as reference tool to support Allen's theory of an "Urban
Legend" that has been created about a "blue Ghost" that has been
incorrectly attributed to Schneider's Alley in Stonyfell.
Photo (C) Allen Tiller
we researched the Schneider's Alley case we were in the same instance
researching the Waterfall Gully Restaurant, also located within the
Burnside council region, we planned on approaching the restaurant for a
future investigation. Although we did not gain access to the premises we
did get an allowance to investigate around the waterfall area after
dark - we found nothing on any of our excursions (this does not mean the
area is not haunted)
It was
during the research that we noticed the connection between the
Waterfall Gully ghost and Schneider's ghost both being "blue" - which
may seem insignificant, but it is small details like this that can often
be the doorway to bigger connections and unravelling mysteries and
urban legends.
What we
did notice about Waterfall Gully, and the entrance road is the high
number of deaths in the area, from auto-mobile accidents, suicides and
the unfortunate death of local police officer Constable Tregoweth, who
it is thought to be the local "resident ghost".
the early 1930s, there have been ongoing reported sightings of
Constable Tregoweth’s ghost in and around the restaurant, and walking
around in the surrounding bushland.
Witnesses say this ghostly constable is still dressed in his
distinctive blue police uniform, and many people feel he is still
keeping watch over Waterfall Gully."
- The Advertiser story on "Utopia" 2010
Our research
on this location continues, we are searching for a photo of the
constable so comparisons can be made for any future sightings of the
"Blue Ghost" attributed to the Good Constable, if you have more
information about any of the death along Waterfall Gully Road, or
Constable Tregoweth (or any local hauntings, mysteries or paranormal
phenomena) please don't hesitate to call Eidolon Paranormal, or email
Allen direct at:
Photo by Allen Tiller
The Advertiser
Wednesday 15 February 1899
On Tuesday afternoon at the Burnside Hotel the city coroner.
Dr. Whittell. continued the inquest on the body of Albert
Scott, Robins, which was found floating in the reservoir at
Waterfall Gully on Saturday last.
Robins, widow of deceased said she had identified the body
as that of her husband, Albert Scott Robins. He bad been
living at Parkside, and was a plumber by trade. She had last
seen him alive on February 6, on which date he left home at
about 8 o'clock. They had been married about 25 years.
At times deceased drank excessively. On February 4th told
witness that he had been quarrelling with some person at the
Green Dragon Hotel. There were a few scratches about him. but
nothing serious. He had a piece of land next to where they
were living and the deeds were in the' possession of Mr.
he left home he called the attention of witness to a letter,
which he asked her to forward to Mr. Drew. She forwarded it
as requested, and Mr. Drew said to the child who took it
that- Mr. Robins .had never played a joke with him before,
and said it was to be handed to the police.
The letter stated: — "Mr. John Drew- Dear sir—Would you
kindly transfer the deeds you have of mine into my wife's
name, as I shall not be able to pay you. I am nearly mad;
my brain is on fire. I remain, yours truly
A. Robins - Liston street, Parkside. By the time you receive this I shall he dead."
A slip of paper had also been found in deceased's handwriting.
bidding good-bye to several members of the family, mentioning
the names individually.
Charles Rothenburg said that he resided at the Waterfall Gully
Hotel, and on Saturday morning some boys called out to him
that there was a man in the reservoir. He went to the spot
and saw the body floating. He then rode to the Burnside
post-office' and sent a telephone message to the police and to
the waterworks office. He then informed the local constable.
George Roberts deposed that the reservoir would hold about half a million gallons.
Constable Carrol gave evidence as to the recovery of the body.
After a brief retirement the jury found that the deceased met
his death through drowning himself 'whilst in a state of
temporary insanity, no blame being attachable to anyone.

South Australia Mounted Police Division 1921
The Advertiser
Wednesday 16 January 1924
At the Education Block on Tuesday morning the City Coroner (Dr. Ramsay Smith) conducted an enquiry concerning the death of Arvid Olsen (39), who died at the Adelaide Hospital on Friday, January 11. Margaret Weyland, of Hutt-street. identified the body.
She said had known Olsen as "Jack," though his correct name was Arvid O'lsen. He was a single man, 39 years of age, and a carpenter by trade. She last saw him on Thursday, January 10, at 1.30 p.m., when he left her house saying he was going to Glenelg. He was a quiet, inoffensive man.
Dr. Bronte Smeaton, honorary surgeon at the Adelaide Hospital, said Olsen was admitted on the evening of January 10, and died the following morning. He found a bullet around in the left temple, the bullet having passed through the brain. It was lying under the vault of the skull. The margin of the -wound was singed and burnt over a small area. The organs generally were healthy, and in his opinion death was caused by the bullet wound.
Evold Marks, gardener, Waterfall Gully road, Burnside, said he was driving along the Waterfall Gully road at about 4.40 on the .afternoon of January 10. When opposite the Adelaide brick kiln paddock he met a woman. After driving about a chain farther he saw a man in the paddock about 40 yards from the road and in the direction from which the woman had come. When he first saw the man he was in a stooping position. He then placed one hand against a tree while with the other (the right) he was holding something toward his forehead. The witness heard two shots. He reported the matter to the Burnside police, and afterwards accompanied Constable Tregoweth to the spot, where they found a revolver about 10 yards from where Olsen was lying. There was blood near the tree and Olsen was lying about six feet away.
Constable Tregoweth said he. accompanied Mr. Marks to the Waterfall Gully road, and saw Olsen lying there near a tree in a paddock. He was unconscious. The witness found .a revolver near the body containing seven shells, four of which were discharged, and three were live cartridges. The bullet produced, which was extracted from Olsen's skull, was of the same calibre as those found in the weapon.
He took the wounded man to the Adelaide Hospital.
The Coroner found that Olsen came to his death at the Adelaide Hospital on January II from gunshot wounds, self-inflicted on the previous day at Waterfall Gully road, Burnside
Barrier Miner
Thursday 14 February 1924
Adelaide, Thursday.
As the result of a mishap to a motor car on the Waterfall Gully-road, Burnside, last night, one man was killed and five other persons suffered serious injuries. Those concerned were:
Leo Carroll (25), address unknown, formerly living at Woller-street. Goodwood Park, dead,
Jack Marston (47), Clark-street, Norwood, badly bruised.
Miss Jean GarvĂn (29), West's Coffee Palace, Hindley-street, shock.
George Stoneman (29), Bacon-street, Hindmarsh, badly bruised.
Michael Kilmartin (41) Royal Admiral Hotel, Hindley street, injuries to the head.
Frederick John Dayman (30), Carlton-street, Fullarton, fractured ribs.
The car was owned by Mr. Dayman, a driver on the North terrace motor stand. It was chartered early in the day to drive the party to Waterfall Gully. The return journey was begun at 7 p.m.. About half a mile from the Burnside tram terminus the road skirts the bed of a creek.
As the car approached the turn it is said the steering gear locked, and instead of following the curve plunged through an intervening fence and fell about 14ft into the creek. The car landed on its side in about I5in of water. All the occupants were thrown out, some on to the roadside and the others into the creek. Those who escaped serious injury assisted the remainder, and people from nearby houses, alarmed by the crash, hurried to the scene and gave first aid.
Constable Tregoweth, of Burnside, was summoned and conveyed the injured to the Adelaide Hospital in the police ambulance. Mr. Carroll was found to be seriously injured lying in the water near the car. Though breathing when found he died on the way to the hospital. On arrival at the hospital the injured were detained for treatment with the. exception of Messrs. Kilmartin and Dayman, who were allowed to go to their homes.
The Advertiser
Monday 20 December 1926
South Australian Bush Fire Victim.
ADELAIDE, Sunday - Constable T. A. J. Tregoweth, who was severely burned in the Waterfall Gully fire last week, died suddenly at the Adelaide Hospital to- day, He was aged 28 years and leaves a
wife and baby son.
The Barrier Miner
Monday 20 December 1926
Adelaide, Monday.
Bush fires in South Australia have claimed their first victim in the person of Constable Thomas A. J. Tregoweth as a result of injuries and bums suffered while fighting the fire at Waterfall Gully last week, He died in the Adelaide Hospital on Sunday afternoon. Constable Tregoweth was 29 years of age and leaves a wife and a two-year-old boy. he had been progressing favourably, but on Sunday morning suddenly collapsed shortly before 3 o'clock and died almost immediately. Tregoweth was a popular officer. His death came as a shock to members of tho force. Ho will be accorded a police funeral.
The Register
Monday 20 December 1926
Victim of Hills Bush Fire.
Bush fires in this state have claimed their first victim In the person of Constable Thomas A. J. Tregoweth, who, as a result of injuries and burns received while fighting the fire at Waterfall Gully last week, died at the Adelaide Hospital on Sunday afternoon.
Constable Tregoweth was 29 years of age, and leaves a wife, and a baby son aged two years. His death has come as a shock to members of the force, of which he had been a most popular member for seven years. His end was unexpected.
He had been progressing favourably on Sunday morning, but collapsed suddenly shortly before 3 p.m., and died almost immediately, his wife and relatives receiving the sad news when they arrived at the hospital to visit him shortly afterwards.
Constable Tregoweth was born at Murdock Hill, via Woodside. At the age of 19 he enlisted, and saw active service in France, being taken prisoner by the Germans at Bullecourt. After 20 months he was released, at the cessation of the war, and returning to Adelaide joined the police force. During the last four years he has been stationed at Burnside, making his home at 51 Kensington road, Kensington
He was fond of sport, and a good tennis player. Constable L. B. Fenwick (secretary of the South Australian Police Association), when communicated with on Sunday evening, extended the sympathy of his executive to the bereaved wife and relatives of the late officer. "An Excellent Officer."
One of the first to extend his sympathies to the wife and mother of Constable Tregoweth was the Police Commissioner (Gen. R. L. Leane). "It is very sad, indeed," said the Commissioner when communicated with on Sunday evening,
"and one can only hope that the wife and mother will derive some measure of comfort from the fact that he died from injuries received in the execution of his duties, and in endeavouring to protect the public. He was an excellent officer, and one we could ill afford to lose, and I know this is the opinion of every member of the force." Gen. Leane added that Constable Tregoweth would be accorded a police funeral.
Eastern Courier Messenger
11 JAN 2011
@ Waterfall Gully owner Justin Markos says he and other staff have
experienced quirky happenings, from mysteriously moving items to
late-night whistling. From the early 1930s there have been many reported
sightings at the restaurant of a ghost believed to be SA Police Foot
Constable Tregoweth, who died while fighting a bushfire at Waterfall
Gully in 1926, he says.
East Torrens Messenger
May 2nd 2012

2007 - 2014 Allen Tiller
All content on “Eidolon Paranormal & The Haunts of Adelaide” sites, blog and corresponding media pages (eg Facebook, twitter etc) is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any means or process without the written permission of the author. © 2012, 2013, 2014
photos remain the property of their respective copyright owners and
are displayed here for the purpose of education, research and review
under the copyright act "fair usage" clause.
photo's used here on this site are sourced from The Sate Library of
South Australia, and The National Library of Australia and
http://www.gawler.nowandthen.net.au - all photos are out of copyright
and have no usage restrictions implied.
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