Wednesday 4 September 2019

Darwin Ghost Hunt 1948

Darwin Ghost Hunt 1948

Darwin 1948

 In 1948, Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory of Australia, was spooked by ghostly goings-on in the city. A ghost was haunting a prominent location in the city. Rumours spread of the ghosts, and by early October a score of people had arrived on site to catch a glimpse of the ghost.

 Around 12 people showed up to experience the haunting for themselves. Right at midnight, two ghosts appeared, much to the surprise of everyone present. One girl almost passed out at the sight. The real surprise came only a short while later when another ghost appeared.

 The third ghost skirted the fence line and made its way toward the group of onlookers and the original two ghosts. Such was its appearance that onlookers gathered sticks and stones to defend themselves from the ghost. They pelted the mischievous spirits and drove it back from their posse.
The ghost fell on its ghostly garments and took another fall over the fence, all the while being hit with missiles.

 The ghost soon revealed its true origins when it jumped in a waiting taxi and sped off down the street to escape its mortal attackers!

Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2019


'GHOST HUNT', Northern Standard, (8 October 1948), p. 6.