The Clare Castle Hotel
Location: Kapunda
Location Type: Pub and Residence
Location status: Private residence and Hotel.
Hotel open to public during Business Hours
A recent Full Spectrum Photo taken in the Hotel.
(more pictures at bottom of the page )
The Clare Castle Hotel opened 04/04/1859

The Clare Castle hotel (bottom left of photo) and Kapunda Mines 1876
1859 the Clare Castle Hotel was erected at the corner of Carrington
street and Main street, Kapunda. It was first Licensed by James Glynn
in 1859.
Castle Hotel was used for “Bench of Magistrate” hearings for
inquests into deaths and accidents in the local Kapunda district. The
board included Dr Blood, local councillors and other local luminaries.
The following is an extract from the "South Australian Advertiser" dated Saturday 1st of October 1859"
"A Lighthouse has lately been erected at the new house, called the Clare Castle Inn, at the southern entrance to the town. This will be the only use and benefit it can possibly afford to travellers and inhabitants Previous to the light being exhibited it was a matter of much danger for travellers to pilot their way among the dangerous passes, precipices, quarries, and cuttings which obstruct the entrance to Kapunda. The Government road is wholly useless. The only chance for them was to follow the innumerable dray tracks which intersect the quarries, and not steer for the light or they will stand a good chance of breaking their necks. There is a good field of operations thus opened for the Harbour-Master to distinguish himself and benefit his country, in making a chart, fixing buoys, and giving the various bearings to be observed in entering the township. Some day a scene of frightful accident and loss of life will happen here, then perhaps the Central Road Board will think it worth their while to make good the main road."
Hotel Licence association board 1859 : "James Glynn, Clare Castle Hotel, Kapunda. Granted, subject to the report of the Police Inspector."
Publican James Glynn, died at river ford on Mary MacKillop walk on his way to Church services at St Johns, July 25th 1862.
Newspaper extract on the death of James Glynn:
South Australian Register:
I am sorry to record the death, by drowning, of Mr. James Glynn, landlord of the Clare Castle Hotel here. He was attempting to cross the Light river on the road to the Catholic chapel last evening when the river being flooded he was washed away and never seen again. His horse was found this morning dead. I regret to add that he leaves a widow and several children. This is the highest flood known, and the first man drowned in this river for ten years."
Mr Glynn's death as reported in "The Empire" newspaper Sydney, August 1962
"Our Kapunda correspondent's letter contains the melancholy intelligence of the drowning of Mr. James Glynn, of the Clare Castle Hotel We have obtained a little additional information from a private source, to the effect that the unfortunate men was on his way to the Roman Catholic chapel for the purpose of making arrangements for the wedding of his daughter. It ls also stated that, finding the river too deep and rapid for him he attempted to turn his horse back after getting in, but the animal was taken off its legs, and both man and horse were washed away."
Glynn was granted the right to continue the license of the Clare Castle
hotel in December 1862, due to the tragic circumstances of the death of
her Husband
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to Thomas Leonard in 1865
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to Thomas Judge in 1866 -1867
Judge died within a year of owning the Inn, his wife continued the
License until The Magistrates board refused to reinstate it due to the
unkempt appearance of the interior
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to M. Leonard in 1868
The Licence was refused in 1870 on the grounds that the accommodation was very inferior, and that tho house was not required
The Licence was reinstated to W. Slattery in 1872
From the "South Australian Register" 6 March 1876
"Narrow Escape"
About midday on Saturday, the 4th March, a boy, son of Mr, Y. Slattery,
of the Clare Castle Hotel, Kapunda, while striking a match in one of
the bedrooms allowed it to come in contact with the window-curtains.
They at once ignited, causing an almost instantaneous blaze which
quickly spread over the whole of the room. The alarm was at once given,
and Mr. J. Warne and Mr. Smith, of the Kapunda Mine, who were on the
premises at the time, rendered immediate assistance. Water, which was at
once conveyed to the spot subdued the flames, which, had they been
allowed free play in minute or two longer, must have produced a most
serious conflagration. As it terminated the loss only amounted to £4 or
£5, and Mr. Slattery besides had his hands roasted in his endeavour to
extinguish the flames.
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to William Slattery in 1876
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to G. Young in 1882
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to M. McInerheny in 1883
Extract from January 20, South Australian Register 1885
"The inquest on the body of Heinrich Rossmann, who died suddenly yesterday evening at the Clare Castle Hotel, resulted in a verdict to the effect that deceased died from natural causes, the medical evidence showing a rupture of the intestines, caused by an ulcer, producing inflammation of the bowels. . which was the cause of death. Mr. Benham, J.P., acted as Coroner.
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to Mr. Fitzgerald in 1891
The "Clare Castle Inn" was licensed to E.T.B. Murphy in 1899
The Clare Castle Hotel was licensed to K. V. Maher in 1902
The Clare Castle Hotel was licensed to J. Kilduff in 1903
The Clare Castle Hotel was licensed to J. & P. Driscoll in 1904
The Clare Castle Hotel was licensed to T. Simpson 1905
Extract from "The Register" 28th august 1909
"During the rough weather of last week the 40ft. flagstaff at the Clare Castle Hotel was broken off short at the parapet of the building, and crime down with a crash on the roof. "
The Clare Castle Hotel was licensed to J. T. Hansberry in 1920
Extract from "The Register" 17th august 1927
"Mrs. Johanna Slattery, who died at the residence of her son, Mr. D. J. Slattery. of Waterloo, on Friday, at the age of 30 years, was born in County Kerry, Ireland. She arrived in South Australia with her husband, and took over the Clare Castle Hotel, Kapunda This proved a profitable venture, and the couple remained there for about 11 years, during which time Mr. Slattery built the Imperial Hotel at Terowie. They sold the Hotel at Kapunda and bought a farm at Fords. After living there for about six years , they took over the Imperial Hotel at Terowie, remaining there about 18 months."
Extract from "The Advertiser" 24th July 1940
"LICENCE REMOVAL APPLICATION Before Mr. Ray. S.M. John Louis Hansberry. licensee of the Clare Castle Hotel, Main street, Kapunda. yesterday applied to the East Midland Licensing Court, silting at the Adelaide Licensing Court room, for removal of his licence to premises to be erected at McGuire terrace Cadell. Objection was taken that the removal was not required for the accommodation of the public by Harry Stapleton. Crabb. licensee of Morgan, and Fred Blades, of Unley Park. Part heard and adjourned until today Mr. J. L. Travers for Hansberrv. Mr. Eric Millhouse for objectors."
Extract from "The Advertiser" 22nd July 1952
"Kapunda Revelation:
Does anyone know the meaning of this 'coat of arms' or emblem? After many layers of paper in the quaint Clare Castle Hotel at the Adelaide end of Kapunda had been removed, this design, measuring three feet, was found painted on the wall above the mantelpiece in the front room: it is in gold, green and black. 

Following up
with research on our investigation at The Clare Castle Hotel, we put
out the call for information about the crown that once hung above the
mantle in the Hotel. This morning we had a breakthrough and discovered
the name of its creator and its origins.
research continues long after our Investigations at Eidolon
Paranormal, trying to gain more insight into a locations past to
understand the present. - Allen and Karen

"Kapunda Revelation"
anyone know the meaning of this 'coat of arms' or emblem?
After many layers of paper in the quaint Clare Castle Hotel
at the Adelaide end of Kapunda had been removed, this design,
measuring three feet, was found painted on the wall above
the mantelpiece in the front room: it is in gold, green and
That Kapunda Crown
commendable promptitude Mrs. E. O'Neill, president of Glenelg Sun
shine Club has explained from 'Carmel,' 3 College street, Glenelg. the
origin of the Crown at the Clare Castle Hotel. Kapunda
picture in your column took my mind back to my childhood watching my
father, the late Edward (Ned) Murphy drawing that crown. He was the
'I do not
remember why, as I was only six. Father had a peculiar trait to paint
and draw things like this. 'He was a very intelligent man; when he
died 21 years ago. at 86. he had retained his remarkable mentality.
Did Other Drawings
he was licensee of the North Kapunda hotel for three years, during
which time he was a councillor. Sir Sidney Kidman and Mr. Charlie Coles
were personal friends of his.
Queen Victoria died my parents draped the front of the Clare Castle
in black. Father drew and painted a life-size picture of Queen
Victoria for the centre.
this time, 1901. he drew the crown. I remember his doing the heart
and saying to us children. 'The Throne and the Queen are the heart of
the Empire.'
Many other
hotels bear some drawing or inscription done by dad at Robe, on the
window of a temperance hotel is something he did with a diamond ring.
'I unfortunately burnt the only photo of the Clare Castle after father's death.
enclose one of the North Kapunda, taken about 1898. My father is the
young man in shirt sleeves. Mother is standing by myself, a little tot
looking through the balcony bars. One of the maids holds my baby
brother, later an original Anzac.'
Kept City Hotels
O'Neill says her father (Edward Murphy) and mother had many guests at
their Adelaide hotels. Most famous was Madame Sarah Bernhardt at the
Metropolitan in Grote Street.
C. C. Kingston, who lived farther west on the West terrace corner,
wanted her father to buy half of Kingston Park, Marino, for £10.
grandparents were among the first Port Adelaide hotel keepers. Migrants
stayed there until they got work or land,' she adds.
Page 4
Tuesday 27 July 1954
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954)

Eidolon Paranormal:
The Clare Castle Hotel
the 19th of March 2011 Eidolon Paranormal was invited by publicans,
Leanne and Greg Berryman to investigate The Clare Castle Hotel due to
recurring paranormal phenomena witnessed by themselves and their staff.
of black shadows and disembodied voices in the kitchen area, as well as
visual sightings in the pool room coupled with feelings of paranoia and
"being watched" in an area behind the front bar.
was decided early on to tackle this investigations first session during
daylight hours at the time the hotel would have operated in its early
The concept is a
simple one, that if the phenomena was of a residual haunting then it
would reoccur at the times the hotel would have operated.
started in the pool room, logging all reflective surfaces that may
cause anomaly in our photo and video, we then proceeded to do a sweep
with our EMF meters (Mel Meter, K2 meter and gauss meter), which brought
up some interesting results behind the bar.
then moved to the Kitchen area where the shadows and voices have been
reported, again we logged and mapped the room and went about measuring
EMF, we also left a voice recorder in a back room to see if we could
capture some of the disembodied voices that had been reported too us.
we took on the dining room, this room proved to be the most intriguing.
As we went about logging and mapping we left the EMF meter running and
noticed a sharp rise in an area which contains no electrical appliances,
we also noted temperature fluctuations, this seemed to be significant
so we experimented in different places within the room and had varying
Lastly we entered the
front bar, where the death of patrons many years ago had occurred,
surprisingly too us the bar seemed to have the least amount of activity
when compared to the other areas of the pub we investigated.

Pool room at The Clare Castle hotel - The fridge (blue light) was
emitting high EMF readings, This is the same area where a shadow figure
has been seen.

Kitchen at The Clare Castle hotel: In this area disembodied voices
calling the names of staff are heard. It is also this area where Shadow
people are seen.

soap dispenser located in the kitchen gives of EMF readings upwards of
75 milli-gauss, it was located as source of high EMF during our initial
sweep of the kitchen area before our vigil

dining Room of The Clare Castle Hotel - This area proved to be the most
rewarding for us, with significant readings and paranormal activity in
the dining area near the fireplace

Taking notes in the dining room

Filming the EMF meter without human presence (videos will be uploaded to the Eidolon Paranormal Youtube Channel)

Behind the Front bar.
high EMF readings are coming from some of the appliances within the
kitchen and Pool room bars on the premises. These higher than average
readings could be contributing to feelings of unease and paranoia in the
immediate area of the magnetic fields.
the Pool room and front bar seemed to be quiet on this investigation
the kitchen and dining room areas proved to be very fruitful for us in
regards to paranormal activity, and provided us with some excellent
readings and evidence.
came to the conclusion very early on that there is evidence of
paranormal activity going on within the walls of The Clare Castle Hotel,
we intend to return and further our investigations in the very near
Eidolon Paranormal team looks forward to returning to The Clare Castle
Hotel for a follow up investigation in the very near future
The History of Kapunda - Rob Charlton
Life Around the Light - Complied by the Two wells and Mallala district history book committee
The Advertiser (newspaper)
The Mail (newspaper)
The South Australian Register (newspaper)
The Argus ( Melbourne) (newspaper)
Burra Record (S.A. 1878 - 1954) (newspaper)
The Empire (Sydney) (newspaper)
The Register (South Australia) (newspaper)
Paranormal would like to thank Greg and Leanne Berryman, and the
patrons of the Clare Castle Hotel for allowing us to enter their
and giving us permission to use all photos, video and other media from our investigation
Research and Investigation conducted by Allen Tiller and Karen Paynter of Eidolon Paranormal
(c) Eidolon Paranormal 2011 All rights reserved.
Material on this website is (c) Eidolon Paranormal, unless stated
otherwise, and is not to be reproduced without written consent by
eidolon Paranormal or the subsequent owners of the material. all rights
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