Written for the April 1st, 2012 S.A. Paranormal Meet-up
Researched and Written by
Allen Tiller
Eidolon Paranormal

or sometimes as it is known, "Patternicity","Matrixing" or "Cognitive
Illusion", is a psychological phenomenon that involves random
stimulation from audio or pictures being perceived as significant.
The object itself is known as a simulacrum. “simulacrum: Latin, “Likeness or similarity”

"Simulacrum" in circled locations
The word Pareidolia comes from the Greek words,
"Para" - meaning “beside”, in this context meaning wrong or faulty,
and "Eidolon", in this context meaning “image”

first use of the word in modern literature can be attributed to Graham
Reed in his 1972 book, "The Psychology of Anomalous Experience: a
cognitive approach"
(ISBN 10: 0091132401 / 0-09-113240-1
ISBN 13: 9780091132408
Publisher: Hutchinson
Publication Date: 1972Binding: Hardcover. )
ISBN 13: 9780091132408
Publisher: Hutchinson
Publication Date: 1972Binding: Hardcover. )
is a type of "Apophenia", a term coined in 1958 by the German
neurologist, Dr. Klaus Conrad. Apophenia “is the experience of seeing
meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data”

Dr Klaus Conrad
recent times the term “Patternicity” was coined by Michael Shermer to
describe aspects of Pareidolia, he wrote of patternicity in the December
2008 issue of "Scientific American Magazine"

“Carl Sagan hypothesised that pareidolia is a valuable evolutionary asset,
because it allowed prehistoric humans to spot friend from foe in an instant,
or see an animal standing in a dense thicket of brush.
do in fact have a part of the brain which is dedicated to facial
recognition, the Ventral Fusiform Cortex, which is hard wired to light
up when a face is spotted

Carl Sagan
soon as the infant can see, it recognizes faces, and we now know that
this skill is hardwired in our brains. Those infants who a million years
ago were unable to recognize a face smiled back less, were less likely
to win the hearts of their parents, and less likely to prosper. These
days, nearly every infant is quick to identify a human face, and to
respond with a goony grin.
As an inadvertent side effect, the pattern recognition machinery in our brains is so efficient in extracting a face from a clutter of other detail that we sometimes see faces where there are none. We assemble disconnected patches of light and dark and unconsciously see a face. The Man in the Moon is one result” - Carl Sagan
as humans are taught from birth to recognise faces, it is one of the
earliest forms of visual recognition we learn. 2 dots and line
represents our parents. When one considers how much our brains process
in order to remember the thousands of faces we see everyday, it is not
surprising that as humans we see faces in various inanimate Objects
around us where there is no face. A telephone can appear as having two
eyes and a nose, a car appears to have human facial qualities and we
have all heard about seeing the man in the moon.
Pareidolia involves seeing shapes, religious icons or other objects
within everyday items, or within the shadows and light in a photo or
Examples of this are the face of Jesus in a piece of toast

The “Nun Bun”

The Pope in flames

This image could also be said to be that of a woman or witch in a robe
or how about this row of pots, that in the perspective seems like a row of shocked faces

Paranormal photography is rife with photos by teams and individuals claiming to have caught a ghost, demon or angel.
paranormal photos involve mirrors, or reflections in glass, where the
viewer is led to believe that smudges make the reflection of a spirit
looking back
Mists are often shaped like animals or people, leading to misconceptions of a spirit manifesting.
Sometimes the local flora can also lead to investigators mistaking pareidolia for ghostly images...

To ascertain whether your photo is or is not pareidolia,
we suggest you try and recreate the photo as close to the original as
you can. Go back to the location and look at what is in the photo
compared to the location. Look for objects that could appear differently
from different perspectives in a photo.
Don't use your camera screen to view the photo, instead use your
computer or laptop screen, or print the photo in a high resolution and
take it to the location for comparison, but remember, pictures with a
small megapixel or file size will have a larger propensity for
pixelation when zoomed in, thus shifting our brain into pattern
recognition mode.

stone, marble, walls, metal, mirrors and glass can all be reflective,
anything caught in a reflective surface can easily be dismissed by
skeptics as Pareidolia – to quote the Ghost Hunters motto
“If in doubt,throw it out”
2007 - 2014 Allen Tiller
All content on “Eidolon Paranormal & The Haunts of Adelaide” sites, blog and corresponding media pages (eg Facebook, twitter etc) is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any means or process without the written permission of the author. © 2012, 2013, 2014
photos remain the property of their respective copyright owners and
are displayed here for the purpose of education, research and review
under the copyright act "fair usage" clause.
photo's used here on this site are sourced from The Sate Library of
South Australia, and The National Library of Australia and
http://www.gawler.nowandthen.net.au - all photos are out of copyright
and have no usage restrictions implied.
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