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Foresters & Squatters Arms
Location: Thebarton, South Australia
Location type: Pub
Location status: Public during business hours
Website: http://forrestersandsquattersarms.com.au/

Foresters and Squatters arms was established in 1850 by Patrick
McCarron. The land was originally owned by Thomas Toole who had
purchased it in 1839. Mr McCarron leased the newly established Hotel to
the publican of the Black Forest Inn, Mr. Charles Olarenshaw, which also
included a Blacksmiths shop on the half acre block.
name "Foresters And Squatters Arms" was apparently adopted because the
patronage of the Hotel was mainly men from the nearby slaughter yards,
farmers, farm workers and tree-loppers.
hotel has been owned by many people in its long history, and leased to
many others, here are just a few of the names we have found in our
research so far:

Patrick McCarron,(original builder) Foresters and Squatters' Arms, - 1853
E Johns, Foresters and Squatters' Arms, - 1873
Roper. Margaret, Foresters'' and Squatters' Arms - 1875
C. Vincent, Foresters' and Squatters' Arms 1890
C.J. Condon, Foresters' and Squatters' Arms, 1892 1893
Mary Coveney, Foresters and Squatters' Arms 1899
J.Ough, Foresters and Squatters' Arms bought: unknown - sold 1927
Gertrude Viola Thompson, Foresters and Squatters' Arms 1938
Gertrude Viola Thompson
conducting our research on the Squatters we came across a former
publican named Gertrude "Gertie" Thompson whom, it would seem, lived an
extraordinary life for a lady of her day.
The first newspaper article below, from The Advertiser, is
a brief story about "Gertie" being accused of selling alcohol on a
Sunday, which was strictly prohibited at the time - further research has
indicated that the case was later dropped due to circumstantial
Thursday 10 February 1938
The case in which Gertrude Viola Thompson, licensee of the Foresters
and Squatters Arms Hotel. Thebarton. was charged with having unlawfully
sold liquor on Sunday, January 9. was continued before Mr. Morgan,
'S.M., in the Adelaide Police Court yesterday. Evidence for the defence
was being given when the hearing was adjourned until February 16.
Constable S. R. Stewart prosecuted, and Mr. C. T. Gun appeared for the
was also, at one point a publican in Port Adelaide at The Royal Arms
Hotel, where she was accused, and convicted of under paying a staff
member named Anne Gunning.
In January 1928, Gertrude and 14 other people were arrested in a hotel in Darlinghurst (N.S.W.), and were arrested for "being found in a house frequented by reputed thieves". The
ensuing court case was a very colourful one, attracting the friends and
families of the accused, who jeered the prosecution at every avenue.The
prosecution argued that the Chief of C.I.B. had entered the facility
and was desperately outnumbered, a melee had erupted, but the Officer
had fought valiantly and over come his foes, the Defence, on the other
hand had a different perspective, arguing:
" a quiet party, a few drinks, some singing...(was) violently
interrupted by a squad of hostile, brawling police" (Truth, 29 Jan 1928)

Gertrude Thompson (centre) Mug shot after being arrested in NSW
A story in the Sydney Morning Herald about Gertrude's arrest
The Sydney Morning Herald - Wednesday 25 January 1928
Following a police raid on a house in Riley Street early on the morning of January 15, ten men and five women appeared at the Central Police Court yesterday.
Joseph Bezzina, aged 26 years, a fireman, was charged with being the keeper of a house at 74 Riley Street, frequented by reputed thieves.
William Stone, aged 28 years, William Williamson, aged 36 years, Francis Wilson, aged 28 years, Thomas Craig, aged 26 years, Christopher Smith, aged 40 years, William Thompson, aged 27 years, Albert Fentrill, aged 27 years, George Hodder, aged 18 years, Raymond Neil, aged 27 years, Vera Simmons, aged 21 years, Gertrude Thompson, aged 40 years. Florence Norman, aged 19 years, and two other women were each charged with having been found in a house frequented by reputed thieves, and in company with reputed thieves.
Sergeant Bourke said the police went to the house, and a fight ensued. All the defendants were partly under the influence of liquor. When Bezzina was told he was to be arrested he replied, according to witness: "Oh, well, my bad luck. I pay 16/ per week rent, and I must get my money back somehow."
Constable Delaney said he had visited the house in November last, and told Bezzina it was alleged that stolen property was brought there. Bezzina denied the charge.
Inspector Mackay, Chief of the CIB, who was in charge of Darlinghurst division at the time of the raid, which he conducted, also gave evidence of the fight which had taken place. He himself had been assaulted.
The hearing was adjourned.
Charges of assaulting the police in the execution of their duty were laid against Stone, Williamson, Wilson, Craig, Smith, and Thompson. Stone was further charged with having in his possession an unlicensed revolver.
Not only was the squatters frequented by Farmers and their ilk, but also druids, as this newspapers article attests...
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900)
Thursday 28 April 1864
page 3
The Quarterly Committee of the Adelaide District of the United Ancient
Order of Druids was held in the Good Intent Lodge-room, Foresters' and
Squatters' Arms. Thebarton. on Thursday evening, April 21. Present—
Provincial President C. McDonald; Provincial Treasurer H. L. Durieu:
Provincial Secretary L. B. Mathews; Tyler Bard Northmore; and the
following Delegates from Lodges:— Good Intent— P.P.P. Pearson and P. A.
Lowe. Allied -P.P.P. Hurst and P.A. Woods. Peacef— P.A. Hyam. Duke of
Brunswick— P. V.P. Aveling and P.B. Draysey.. Duke of Leinster— P.A.
Kicliardson. Adelaide— V.A. Magaughan and Brother
Martin; Prince of Wales— A.D. Kudall. Alexandra— V.A. Pagenstecher
The balance-sheet, which was read, showed the General Fund to be £349
15s. 6d and the Incidental Fund £50; making a total of £399 15s. 9d.
Two hundred and seventy members were reported good on the books, and the
total number of members of the Order in South Australia is 304. The
Auditors recommended the levies for the ensuing quarter to be 2s. per
member to the General Fund and 6d. to the Incidental Fund; they also
spoke in high terms of the manner in which the accounts were kept by
Provincial Secretary L. B. Mathews
The balance-sheet was received and passed, and the Auditors' report
adopted. It was resolved that 150 copies of the balance sheet, Auditors'
report, with all minutes of proceedings, be printed and circulated as
usual. P. P.P. Hurst was elected Auditor in the place of P.P. P. Durieu,
elected Treasurer.
The whole of the Trustees of the District were removed, and the
following were elected :-P.P.P. H. L. Hurst, P.P.P. C. M. Pearson.
P.V.P. ft. Aveling, P.A. E. Benda, and P.A. G. Wood. The Provincial
President, on behalf of the Committee; presented to P.P.P. C. M. Pearson
the testimonial voted at the last annual meeting, consisting of an
address beautifully engrossed on vellum, with his photograph, for his
long services to the Order.
Many people have passed through the Squatters doors over the years,
but some have not made it out alive!
The South Australian Advertiser
Monday 5 November 1860
the hours of 5 and 6, an accident occurred to a man named Richard
Leonard, which terminated fatally. It appears that the unfortunate man
was in the employ of Mr. Primrose, brewer, and was proceeding from
Bowden to Thebarton, when, about 200 yards from the Squatters' Arms,
Thebarton, the horse became restless, and jolted the dray ; he was in
the act of giving the reins to, his nephew, a little boy who was with
him, when the wheel lurched-in consequence of a hole in the road-and
threw the boy from the cart, who, in falling dropped the reins, which
fell under the horse's feet ; the deceased then attempted to snap the
reins, but failed to do so, and fell under the wheel, which passed over
his loins and smashed his ribs. A person driving a dray behind him,
picked him up, put him into it, and conveyed him to the Squatters* Arms,
when Mr. Jacques, the landlord, immediately sent for two medical
gentle- men ; but before Dr. Lane arrived the unfortunate man expired,
which was about 15 minutes after the wheel passed over him. An inquest
was held on Sunday morning, when the Jury returned a verdict of
accidental death. The deceased was an old colonist, and has been a long
time in the employ of Mr. Primrose. He has left a wife and four children
to deplore his untimely end.
next newspaper story is a little bit vague about where exactly this
child got the acid from, in the era this was written, a Hotel was often
refereed to as a "House"
South Australian Register
Thursday 27 March 1884
On Wednesday the City Coroner (Mr. T. Ward) held an inquest at the
Squatters' Arms, Thebarton, on the body of a child named Thomas Alfred
Beesley, who had died the previous day from the effects of muriatic
acid. The evidence showed that a bottle containing the muriatic acid had
been left in a firepot within reach of the child, who drank some on
coming into the house, and seemed to be choking and in great pain. His
mother went into the yard and found that the bottle had been taken out
of the firepot. She poured some water into his mouth and sent for Dr.
Rees, who attended and found the child showing all the symptoms of
asphyxia, and administered the usual remedies, but the child died on
Tuesday evening. The Jury brought in a verdict that the cause of death
was asphyxia from accidentally swallowing a quantity of muriatic acid or
spirits of salts.
The Advertiser
Monday 12 July 1909
SUPPLE. —On the 10th July, at the Squatters Arms Hotel, Thebarton, Charles Joseph, the dearly beloved youngest son of Mrs. M. Coveney and the late Patrick Supple, aged 32 years. Requiescat in pace.
The South Australian Advertiser
- Saturday 12 June 1880
(excerpt from The South Australian Advertiser - Saturday 12 June 1880
full story in our forums)
Hammill said he arrested prisoner, who made no statement.
Police-constable Morris said he was on the racecourse on May 23. and saw
the men quarrelling' about a coat. Deceased accused prisoner of
stealing the coat, and prisoner said to deceased, 'If you don't let go I
will punch you in the mouth.' Prisoner had one arm in the coat Deceased
struck Allgood, and they closed. Several blows passed before he could
separate them. Prisoner then said, 'If I stole the coat, give me in
charge.' Threatened to lock them up. and they left. By Mr. Ronald—
Prisoner bled after being struck. Deceased was a bigger man' than
Allgood. The Jury found— 'That 'deceased met with his death through
accidentally falling upon an iron spike while engaged in a fight with
John Allgood, and the Jury request the Coroner to censure prisoner.' The
Coroner, censured All good for engaging in the fight, and he was
will be posting any history article we find about the Squatters Arms in
our "special interest" section of the Eidolon Paranormal Forums - if
you have a ghost story, an old photo, or an historical article about the
Squatters you wish to share please go to our forums <Here> and post your story
More photos are available ion our Facebook page or in our photo-album section
"Evidence" from this investigation will be posted here soon - please
"like" us on facebook to keep up to date with "Evidence" postings

a quick meet and greet with Dick Dale and some of the locals, we set up
our DVR system to monitor the area - Dick then set about giving us a
tour of the Squatters. we visited every room and even the basement!
then set about taking some EMF readings in various areas, and recording
some EVP sessions - which proved to be difficult with the vast volumes
of traffic passing by this close to the city.
noted that the Office area upstairs was significantly cooler than every
other room in the building, plus had lower baseline EMF readings.
also had large fluctuations of EMF in the front bar - please note, as
the hotel was closed for the day, there was no electricity running under
the bar to the post-mix machine or other powered devices.
intend on returning to the Squatters Arms in the very near future for a
full over-night investigation to ascertain if the building truly is
haunted, or if there is some other factors at play. In the meantime, we
will continue our research into
The Forresters and Squatters Arms, to find the truth behind rumours of deaths that plague the building.
are particularly interested to know more about the story of a fire that
occurred in the building that is claimed to have taken upwards of 30
lives, if you know more about this tragedy please do not hesitate to
contact us at one of the email address's below
Thank You
Our thanks to Paul Calnan for allowing us to investigate his fantastic pub.
Big thanks to Dick Dale for showing us around, sharing his stories and for his enthusiasm.
Also thanks to Gary, Anita and Amaras for sharing their stories of phenomena from the pub
2007 - 2014 Allen Tiller
All content on “Eidolon Paranormal & The Haunts of Adelaide” sites, blog and corresponding media pages (eg Facebook, twitter etc) is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any means or process without the written permission of the author. © 2012, 2013, 2014
photos remain the property of their respective copyright owners and
are displayed here for the purpose of education, research and review
under the copyright act "fair usage" clause.
photo's used here on this site are sourced from The Sate Library of
South Australia, and The National Library of Australia and
http://www.gawler.nowandthen.net.au - all photos are out of copyright
and have no usage restrictions implied.
Hi a curious subject. Gertie, Gertrude Viola Thompson, nee Taylor was my grandmother. She married Albert John Thompson ex Sydney in a private house Osmond Tce. Norwood. Alf was previously married and his ju8cy divorce was reported in law case Sydney Morning Herald. He ran race horses there and in Adelaide. Other hotels sun by Gertie were the Torrens Arms Mitcham where her two sons my father also Albert John and his brother Colin Taylor were born on the 1st floor verandah. Alf had a pub in Pirie and also tjhe Jin deane Irish pub corner Osmond Tce and Parade Norwood. I visited the Squatters as we called it as a young lad age 3 or 4 and have photos taken in the rear yard with Gertie and her sons and family. After the Squatters they moved to a house on Beulah Rd Norwood where I lived to age 5.
ReplyDeleteRegards J. Rory Thompson FIEAust. CPEng. (2180308)
How fabulous J. Rory!
DeleteLove your story.