Schneider's Alley Research
This page features research on the people, stories and locations
associated with the "Schneider's Alley" myth in South Australia.
Dr Michael Schneider and Mrs Schneider had 4 children we are aware of three daughters, Anne Wendy, and Barbara, and one son Michael.
you have a new lead for us, a (verifiable) photo of Dr Schneider or a
family member, or a photo of the gardens or garden parties, please email
at Allen at
The Schneider Family
Clifton Manor
have gathered together some of the newspaper articles we have uncovered
about the Doctor and his Family, as well as Clifton Manor and gardens .
‘Clifton’ House (1852) - 66 Hallett Road
The east end of High Street leads directly across Hallett Road into the driveway of ‘Clifton’, a large Gothic-style house built for George Deane Sismey (miller) in 1852. In 1872 it was bought by Nathaniel Knox (lawyer) who added a battlement tower and landscaped gardens. In 1934 the large estate was purchased by Dr Michael Schneider who kept kangaroos, emus and koalas in a large enclosure. In 1976 the estate was subdivided into over 100 allotments. The house now stands in Waratah Way. The hedge of ‘Clifton’ can be seen at 66 Hallett Road.
The east end of High Street leads directly across Hallett Road into the driveway of ‘Clifton’, a large Gothic-style house built for George Deane Sismey (miller) in 1852. In 1872 it was bought by Nathaniel Knox (lawyer) who added a battlement tower and landscaped gardens. In 1934 the large estate was purchased by Dr Michael Schneider who kept kangaroos, emus and koalas in a large enclosure. In 1976 the estate was subdivided into over 100 allotments. The house now stands in Waratah Way. The hedge of ‘Clifton’ can be seen at 66 Hallett Road.
The Mail
Saturday 11 August 1934
South Adelaide Club
The weekly run of the South Adelaide Horse Riding Club was held this afternoon to Stonyfell. The riders left Frewville and went through Linden
Park, Beaumont, and Burnside, thence through the properties of Dr. M. Schneider, Mr. R. Sims, and Stonyfell quarries and vineyards. Afternoon tea was served at Wattle Park. Those mounted were:- — Mrs. M. H. McKinnel on Bluebell, Miss Josephine Charllck en Streaky. Miss Rita Idle on Oxford Style. Miss Lorn a Williams on Billie Miss Marjorie Wil liams on Ranee. Miss Lily Macdonald on Sue. Miss Margaret Macdonald on Creamy. Miss Edna McDonald on Michael. Miss Margherita TilIett on Rine Up. Messrs. Rex Bastian on Benaserie. Mr. Hugh Coulter on Winn Palm, Mr. Howard Cashman on Lancer.
The Advertiser
Tuesday 20 June 1933
Schneider — Parker
On Saturday, at St. Matthew's Church of England. Hamilton, Dr. Michael Schneider, of Adelaide, and Miss Margaret Parker, of Wales, England, were married by the Rev. A. E. Kain, of Kapunda.
The bridegroom is the fourth son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Ernst Schneider, of Stockwell, and the bride the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Garret! Parker, of Gellygaer, Wales.
As the bride entered the church with Mr. Herbert Jory. of Adelaide, she presented a graceful figure, gowned in her lovely frock designed in London and made on Empire lines, of white crepe suede and trimmed with diamanté. The veil was or tulle, and trimmed with orange blossom. The bride carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Her attendant maid. Miss Tillie Steinert, of St. Kitts. Truro. wore a frock of Dale blue chiffon velvet, with picture hat to tone, and carried a bouquet of pale pink and blue sweet peas. The bridegroom was supported by his younger brother, Mr. William Schneider, as best man.
The 'Wedding March' and 'The Voice That Brea'hed O'er Eden' were rendered by the organist and choir. After the ceremony the party motored to the country home of the bridegroom's mother, at Stockwell.
Monday 12 April 1937
"Old Cop"
A TALL, slim man, most interesting, man with penetrating eyes, a slight stoop, and a remarkable fund of anecdotes, known among his personal friends as "old Cop"—to be respectful, and give him his proper name, Copley Playford, a former Resident Administrator at Darwin - takes his lunch at King William street Balfour's daily. He spent most of his life in the Territory and "could a tale unfold."
A tale! A bookful of them. And he does tell them, too. Watch the other diners—Mr. H. Tassie, M.L.C, and his colleague Hermann Homburg, Reg Laughton, Leo Seppelt, Rudi Buring, Milton Lester, Jimmy Hendry, Dr. Michael Schneider, and H. Krawinkel bend their heads forward so that they will not miss any of the titbits which "Cop" distributes.
He has not yet reached the evening of life, and has a lot of go in him in spite of his 70 odd, not out. Last year he went down to the Port to look at the ships. Took a fancy to a wind-jammer, climbed on board, and the next he knew of it was that he was making for Cape Horn. His only log page were a toothbrush, and collar stud.
His brother-in-law is the well-known Jim Cowling, of Norton's Summit. Who does not know Jim? His son. Dr. Cowling, is president of Mount Pleasant Show.
Wednesday 29 September 1937
Will Seek Regeneration Of Large Areas
A South Australian branch of the Australian Forest League was formed last night at a meeting at the Chamber of Manufactures.
Before Mr. David Fulton was elected president. Mr. George McEwin explained that the aim of the league was to work in co-operation with the Tree Lovers' Society and kindred bodies, to advance the idea of protecting our natural forests from further deterioration, and to encourage the Government to regenerate large areas. Mr. Fulton said that it was hoped to form branches in country towns. An advisory committee would be appointed to help in the selection of suitable trees. Professor J. B. Cleland spoke of the necessity of preserving the remnants of native vegetation on the Adelaide Plains and in the hills, the retention of belts of native trees along roadsides, and the planting of wayside trees; the importance of tackling the mistletoe problem, and saving from destruction the mulga and myall trees. Mr. A. D. Hardy, formerly of the Forestry Department of Victoria, and a member of the league branch in that States gave an illustrated talk on
afforestation and trees in various parts of the world.
Officers elected: —Patron. His Excellency the Governor; vice-patron. Sir William Sowden: president. Mr. David Fulton; vice presidents. Sir Douglas Mawson. Sir Henry Newland. Sir Robert Chapman. Professor Cleland. Captain S. A. White, and Mr. G. McEwin;
general committee. Sir William Mitchell. Dr. Michael Schneider. Messrs. J. H. Gosse, Gill Williams. A. K. Newbery. R. H. Martin and E. H. Ising;
Honorary treasurer. Mr. C. Colquhoun:
Honorary secretary. Mr. Donald Neill:
Ladies' Committee. Mrs. B. Mehrtens (convener).
The Advertiser
Friday 25 February 1938
"Out Among the People"
By Vox
I WENT along to a meeting of the Australian Forestry League presided over by Colonel David Fulton, the other night, and realised what a lot of useful service it can render to this State.
For example, Mr. George McEwin declared that every arterial road in South Australia should be lined with avenues of trees.
Dr. Michael Schneider spoke about! the new Crown lands being opened for allotment in the upper South-East, and suggested that a proviso should be put in the lease to the effect that a certain area should be retained as timbered land to provide shelter, beautify the countryside, and prevent erosion.
"Professor Corbin often used to tell me that where erosion has taken place In the higher rainfall areas, if farmers would only broadcast seeds at a suitable time of the year, young trees would spring up. and soon bind the soil together again.' Mr. McEwin said.
He incidentally mentioned that Mr. H. de N. Lucas, at Myponga. and Mr. Frank Verco. at Tintinara, were doing good work in tree planting.
Mr. McEwin also spoke of the splendid efforts of a local cobbler at Gisbome. between Melbourne and Mount Macedon. where for three or four miles east and west of the township the main street is lined with beautiful elms. The Forestry League intends to try and organise branches in country towns here. That is a splendid idea.
Trees And Birds
TALKING about street beautification. Colonel Fulton recommended every body to go along Victoria avenue, Unley Park, to see the magnificent shady plane trees, which had not been touched, although electric and telephone wires passed through them.
In places the swaying branches had worn the lining off the electric wires.
Mr. McEwin cited a case at a North Adelaide house where blackbirds had taken the coveting off electric wires. A painter happened to touch a bare wire, got a shock, and, falling, brought down a fair share of bougainvillea creeper with him.
Dr. Schneider raised an interesting point. He said that every year at late winter at Burnside he hangs up big lumps of string refuse and material in suitable places, and the birds queue up to take it away for their nests.
That reminded Mr. McEwin to tell us that on one hot day at Kuitpo forest he and some friends filled two buckets with water. Within a quarter of an hour there must have been 300 to 400 birds round them. First the tomtits, waxbills. and other small varieties had a drink, and at the finish the magpies and other big birds came along.
Let us plant plenty of trees, which attract the birds, which keep down the pests!
Monday 26 December 1938
"Out Among the People"
By Vox
In A Burnside Garden on Saturday Leo Seppelt and I went up to spend the afternoon with Dr. Michael Schneider at "Clifton," Burnside, known for years as the home of the Knox family.
From the wooded heights one gets a fine view of the plains and the gulf. And what a restful environment!
We wandered down the shady gully, and admired the English, and exotic trees and lawns, all luxuriant in the rich moist soil. A plane tree there is the biggest in South Australia, according to the opinion of the late J. P. Bailey, former Director of the Adelaide Botanic Garden.
Keen Nature lover, as well as a keen botanist, Dr. Schneider encourages the birds to frequent this fine estate over looking the city.
Cleaning up the undergrowth at the bottom of the gully, he told us the gardener found a banded landrail's nest with four eggs in it. These were put under a bantam, which hatched them out
We had the good fortune to see a mistletoe bird energetically searching for food in the trees. This bird is so small that it easily escapes attention. We also saw the black-cheeked honey eater, and the spine billed honey eater; these are particularly keen on the nectar in the Chinese lantern, ( the abutiloni flowers): saw many parrots, bronze wing pigeons, and Indian pigeons.
Miniature Zoo
"Clifton," Dr. Schneider has a miniature zoo. In a tall eucalypt we saw koala bears sleepily perched on tree forks.
A vermin-proof netting fence surrounds 30 acres, and in this enclosure are pairs of the Kangaroo Island. scrub, and red kangaroos, emus, Cape Barron geese, curlews, plover, fallow deer, English pheasants, peacocks, guinea fowls, ibis, a Pacific gull (which had crab for Christmas dinner), and a brolga (Native Companion).
It was feeding time, and animals and birds congregated near each other. They enjoyed the meat, wheat, maize, bran and pollard. No wonder they are in such good condition!
Thursday 20 October 1938
Annual Wild Flower Show Tomorrow
Consignments of wild flowers, including about 500 waratahs from New South Wales, and 'kangaroo-paws' from Western Australia, will arrive tomorrow
for the annual Wild Flower Show and Natural History Exhibition which will be opened by the Commissioner of Crown Lands (Mr. Playford) at the Town Hall tomorrow night. The show which is being arranged by the field naturalists' section of the Royal Society, will be open from 2:30pm. tomorrow, and will be continued on Saturday from 9 am. to 10 pm.
A party of field naturalists visited Humbug Scrub yesterday and collected various wild flowers, including orchids, which will be exhibited at the show. Another party will visit Mount Lofty today for other wild flowers.
There will be a large variety of exhibits. including shells and tropical flowers from Darwin, coral and giant clams from the Barrier Reef, collections of minerals and crystals, polished native timbers, paintings by the late Miss Rosa Fiveash to be loaned by the National Gallery, native weapons, and churingas, and a competitive display of wild flower by schools, chiefly from the hills districts.
Dr. Michael Schneider will exhibit a Queensland koala bear. Professor J. B. Cleland will show tiny ground flora. Captain S. A. White will exhibit a collection of birds, the Malacological Societv will display land, freshwater, and! marine shells, and two aborigines— Clarrie Long and Mark Wilson— will give a display of native craft work. Mr. B. C. Cotton, of the S.A. Museum, is in charge of the show arrangements
The Advertiser
Friday 17 March 1939
Garden Inspection
A sanctuary for native birds and animals is a feature of the beautiful garden of Clifton, home of Dr M Schneider, at Burnside, which will be open for inspection on Saturday and Sunday April 1 and 2. Proceeds will be for the St. David's Church building fund Burnside
Trams will leave Grenfell street at 2.46 p.m., 3.10 p.m.. and 3 34 p m. on both days. Motor cars will meet these trams and take passengers to the garden which is situated at the end of High street. ,
The Mail
Saturday 7 September 1940
Garden Posters
R. M. Schneider, of Clifton, Burnside, has offered to open the delights of his garden and its inhabitants — emus, Kangaroos, wallabies, and koala bears — to the public on September 28 and 29. This kind of 'Alice in an Australian Wonderland'' party is designed to help the funds of the Kindergarten Union of South Australia. Students of the Kindergarten College and of the South Australian School of Arts and Crafts are designing posters illustrating a delightful garden setting, which will be displayed in Adelaide. A prize has been offered for the best poster. Entries close on September 17.
The Advertiser
Thursday 26 September 1940
Garden Inspection
On Saturday and Sunday Afternoons
The garden of Dr. and Mrs. M. Schneider will be open for inspection, and Boy Scouts will act as guides from the Burnside tram. Cool drinks, tea and biscuits will be available. At 4 p.m. a bell is rung at which the kangaroos, deer, emus, and birds all come rushing to be fed. The Kindergarten College and Lucy Morice Kindergarten will benefit from the proceeds.
The Mail
Saturday 9 November 1946
Garden Party At Private Zoo
THERE are a number of attractions billed for the garden party at the home of Dr. Michael Schneider at Burnside next Saturdav afternoon.
Afternoon tea will be served, and there will be cool drinks and afternoon tea. Children will love feeding time at Dr. Schneider's private zoo. which consists of emus, koala bears, and kangaroos. Cars will meet the trams at the Burnside Post Office and drive people to the function, which will begin at 3 p.m. Proceeds will assist the Y.W.C.A
The Advertiser
Monday 18 November 1946
Garden Inspection For Y.W.C JL
The YWCA National Fund will be increased by almost £70 as a result of a garden inspection held at the home of Dr. Michael Schneider, Burnside, on Saturday afternoon. The 500 visitors roamed among the large grounds, and at 4 pm. watched the kangaroos, emus and koalas being fed. The chairman of the Central Regional Committee -Mrs. Robert Crompton and a number of YWCA helpers arranged the party. Afternoon tea and ices were available, and there was a trading table.
The Advertiser
Thursday 10 April 1947
Garden Party And Fete
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of St. Bartholomew's Church, Norwood, a garden party and fete will be opened by the Bishop of Adelaide (the Right Rev. B. P. Robin) in the charming garden of Dr. Michael Schneider, at Clifton. High street, Burnside, at 3 pm on Saturday. There will be stalls for cakes, produce, 'women's work, cool drinks and afternoon tea, and sideshows and special playground facilities for children will be added attractions. A free bus will meet the Burnside trams at the Burnside Post Office between 2 pm. and 3 pm., returning at 5 pm. and 6 pm.
Monday 14 April 1947
Out Among The People
I WAS up on the heights at "Clifton," Burnside, on Saturday afternoon, and seeing Stonyfell quarry a few hundred yards up the tree-clad hill recalled the days when John Crompton used to show me nice quartz crystals from there. After his extensive travels abroad, I can understand why a restful old-world mansion, incidentally bearing the Knox coat of arms, should appeal to Dr. Michael Schneider and his Welsh wife. The Bishop of Adelaide opened a fete in connection with St. Bartholomew's Church 90th anniversary, and apologised for being late. He saw a lot of cars inside "Clifton" entrance gates, took the wrong turning, and found he was among the National Council of Women. Among the large crowd at the fete was the Rev. F. J. Price, rector from 1914 to 1921.
Saturday 21 June 1952
Still another successful parish ball ran a cheery course last night. Friends and parishioners of St Theodore's. Rose Park, filled Burnside Town Hall. The Bishop of Adelaide (Rt. Rev B P. Robin) and Mrs. Robin were among guests welcomed by Archdeacon and Mrs; T. T. Reed. Mrs. Robin wore flame moire taffeta; Mrs. Reed's turquoise chiffon sparkled with sequins. Her daughter Airlie went to the dance from the debutante ball at Mount Osmond. .Mrs. Michael Schneider used the colours of the church flag in the spectacular stage decor of silvered leaves, red and cream flowers against a black velvet curtain. Barber striped candles, autumn strawberry leaves, and cumquats were original decorations for supper tables. Miss Kathleen Williams was among young people at the dance. Her frock was cerise moire taffeta with a silver kid belt. In her party were her sister. Betty. Misses Mary Drewer. Anne Schneider. Messrs. John Warner. Geoffrey Sexton. Ian Knox. and Ross Tilley.
The Advertiser
Tuesday 24 March 1953
May 13 will be an exciting day for Mrs. Michael Schneider, of Burnside. She will sail in the Strathnaver for England to revisit relatives whom she has not seen for several years.
The Advertiser

Saturday 2 May 1953
Debut At Clifton Hall
Clifton Hall, Burnside, home of Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider, was brilliantly floodlit for their daughter Anne's big coming-out dance last night. Silver carnations encrusted with rhinestones decorated Anne's French needle-run net frock, which had a bustle and a softly draped stole. Mrs. Schneider, who was hostess to 300 guests, pinned orchids and tuberoses to her powder blue Chantilly lace frock. Younger daughter, Wendy, wore sky blue net sprigged with pink flowers, and her sister, Barbara, was in apple green embroidered organdie. Their cousin, Irene Schneider, wore rose pink net em bossed in silver. Mrs. Schneider, Wendy, Barbara and son Michael joined in the debutante
waltz which Anne began with her father and finished with Mr. John Warner. Large gold urns filled with flowers decorated the marquee, silver leaves trailed over a trellis and flower baskets hung from the top of the marquee poles. Guests, who included several family friends, drank toasts to Anne and also to her mother and Mrs. Malcolm Miller. The two will travel together to England this month. Among a crowd of Alice's young friends were Misses Patricia Playford, Janice McLachlan, Jennifer Harry, Rosemary Gross, Messrs. John OKeefe. Robert Allnut, Ross Tilly and Robert Temme.
Tuesday 6 October 1953
Rural News In Brief
The Church of England Guild of Service to the Blind will entertain blind members and children from Townsend
House at the annual social at Dr. Michael Schneider's wild life sanctuary at Burn side on October 17.
Tuesday 15 December 1953
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider will have their traditional Christmas Eve party at Clifton Hall, Burn side. Guests will arrive at 8 p.m., Norwood Band will play on. the terraced garden in lantern light, and every one will join in carol singing. Again, according to custom, Mrs. Schneider will include mince pies on the menu, made from ah old English recipe.
Saturday 26 December 1953
U.K. Visitor's First Christmas In S.A.
English visitor Mr. Jack Pennington, who arrived at the week-end, was intrigued with his first Christmas party away from home.
'With his sister, Mjss Hilda Pennington, who was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider at a Christmas carol singing party in their garden at Clifton Hall, Burnside. Guests sat on a softly lit terraced lawn while the Norwood Band played by lantern light. After the carol singing Dr. and Mrs. Schneider gave the bandsmen a traditional Christmas drink. Then the guests went inside for supper.
Fishnet Stole
Mrs. Schneider covered her shoulders of her slim black frock with a black fishnet stole lined with downy white. Among guests' were: — The Dean of Adelaide (Very Rev. T. T. Reed), Mrs. Reed and their daughters, Airlie and Elaine, the Rev. and Mrs. Rex. Harley and Rev. and Mrs. S. Mainstone with their families, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jory, Mrs. Cecil Emery, Mr. Arthur Owen, another English visitor
The Advertiser
Thursday 8 July 1954
About People
Misses Wendy and Barbara Schneider will be the two youngest dancers to take part in the Lancers at the Adelaide Hunt Club ball tomorrow night. They will have dinner with their parents. Dr. and Mrs Michael Schneider, of Clifton Hall Burnside, who have arranged a party be forehand at the South Australian Hotel. Their other daughter Anne has invited young friends in for drinks and savouries at Burnside.
The Mail
Saturday 23 October 1954
Square dance
IN the spacious garden at Clifton Hall. Burnside, home of Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider. Selwyn Harley tonight celebrated his twenty-first birthday. Selwyn's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Harley, of Toorak Gardens, entertained 50 guests. There were square dancing, games and competitions, community singing to accordion music, a treasure hunt, and a big barbecue.
Anne and Michael Harley helped to entertain friends of their brother, who is secretary of the Racing Drivers' Association. Other guests included Joan Kimber. Pamela Trudgen, Anne ,Wendy, and Barbara Schneider, Audrey Bannister Daphne Gower. Joy Wilson, Beth and Pamela Canham, Maureen Snell. Lynette Holbrook. Pamela Hood, Maureen Critchley. Nola Gates, Graham Scarman. David Ellis, Neil Bannister. Allan Moore, Robert Scrymgour. Keith Hutton, Maurice Rayner. Ronald Harris, Gerald Norton. Tom Kelner, and Bob Dodson.
The Advertiser
Friday 17 December 1954
keeping up a quaint tradition,
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider are looking for a dark man to cross their threshold after midnight on New Year's Eve. They have asked friends to see the new year in with them at Clifton Hall, Burnside, and wait for a 'dark man' to bring them good luck through 1955.
2007 - 2014 Allen Tiller
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Hi Allen, I am doing research on Clifton house, I am specifically interested in the garden near Second Creek, have you received any photographs?
ReplyDeleteCheers, Michelle