Friday, 21 February 2014

EMF Baseline Readings

EMF Baseline Readings

Written for the April 1st 2012 S.A. Paranormal Meet-up

Written and researched by
Allen Tiller
Eidolon Paranormal

I am providing here information about two different variations of getting your baseline readings before you start your investigation, both are legitimate ways to obtain your readings, however, the first "Positional The baseline" could be considered the more "scientific" approach of the two.
I may at a later date add more variations and explanations to this page as we delve further into this topic in future meet-ups - Allen Tiller

Positional baseline

This is a baseline reading to set a standard for your investigation. You need two measuring instruments that measure the same parameters (e.g Magnetism, temperature) and have similar specifications have two devices of the same model and type, for example, two Mel Meters “Mel8704r's” that have been properly calibrated.

You place one of the Mel8704r's at the “location of the haunting” (e.g. the room where the haunting occurred) and you place the other one in a location nearby which we call the control location. The two locations need to be as similar as possible in temperature, lighting etc., The control location must be a place where there have been no reports of paranormal phenomena

We can expect that the readings would be similar, or the same, the length of the investigation. Differences that are noted may indicate a variable related directly to the paranormal phenomena, that may not have been accounted for previously.

This kind of baseline reading allows us to compare the “control location” with the “location of the haunting” which allows us to see any differences in readings (e.g. magnetism, temperatures) which may be related directly to the source of the “paranormal phenomena”. It may also, allow us an insight into a natural explanation that hasn’t yet been perceived

You would expect readings to be similar over the course of the vigil. Any major differences, particularly when something is reported, could be significant. They may indicate a variable related to the reported paranormal event.

Grid Method

This works best if the location owner will allow you to mark out a grid on the location floor, but, as this is highly unlikely, it is easier to have some graph paper and draw a map, allocating a certain amount of graph squares per each meter, thus creating the grid-squares.

On your map remember to mark all walls, windows, doors, objects (cupboards, fridges etc.)

Now as one investigator begins to measure each sectioned grid for EMF the other notes the reading in each individual grid section. (A slight variation is to allocate each grid a number or letter, then have the letters written on another page, and write the reading next to the corresponding letter).

If there are odd readings, or “spikes” during this phase, investigate possible causes.

Do this once with the power on.
Then once with the power off (if allowable).

Now take measurements near all electrical power-points, light fittings and electrical devices, remember fridge and freezers have motors that turn on and off and will give out differing readings during the evening, note if the fridge/freezer's motor is on or off during your measurement times.

You can now repeat measurements at intervals during the investigation and compare reading levels in your audit. 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Manifesting Spirits; A Paranormal Theory

Manifesting Spirits

A Paranormal Theory
Allen Tiller

Most of us have heard of "The Secret" and "Abraham Hicks and the law of attraction", the power of positive affirmations and envisioning what we want and need in life, and making it into a real, and physical object or situation. Many of us practice these beliefs daily, through prayer, positive thoughts, and positive actions, whether it be by wishing for the perfect car park, wishing for more money or praying for better health, for oneself, or another.  We watch on Television when church groups use the power of prayer to heal the sick and frail but does it work?

 What if it does?

What if one is able to do it without realising, say in their sleep?

What if they are able to do it subconsciously whilst fully awake?

What if one was able to physically manifest a spirit, or "ghost"...consciously or subconsciously, could the human brain contain such power?

The power of the brain and its effect upon the world surrounding it is not understood, and largely ignored in the scientific community. There is plenty to research here in regards to the world of the “normal” and the “paranormal”.

What if the human brain, or the world around us, was able to manifest one emotion that we felt so overwhelmingly, into the form of a human or animal in spirit form?

Could this explain where Angels come from?

What if the manifestation is a negative emotion? Hate or Anger – could the physical manifestation be what we know as Demons?

Could this also explain Poltergeists as a manifestation of confusion within emotion?

Do we believe because we want to see and feel, and then manifest a spirit?

If one could manifest an emotion into spirit form, who would that spirit appear to be?

Would it be, to the person manifesting, someone resembling a perpetrator of that emotion? - Say a school boy was a bully too a young girl, the girl, in later life manifests her emotion and it appears as the school boy,  or would it be a bastardisation of the boy she knew, with the negative emotions warping the memory, time skewing things, a little distorted fantasy thrown in? What if she still knew of the boy now as an adult, would the representation be a warping of the two memories blended together, creating a new identity for the negative emotion?

Would this “entity” then, being “born” of emotion be able to interact with the world it has been created in? Would it need more of the same emotion it was created from to “power” itself up so it can manifest and interact with its environment?

 If said manifestation could interact, and had some form of “intelligence” could it also be good or evil, is it capable of malicious intent? What is its length of life?  Would it thrive on negative emotions if that is where it is “born" from?

I have posed many questions here. I am interested in You, the reader, answering with your thoughts and beliefs on the questions I have posted above. I believe the paranormal community needs to have more interaction between the different groups and discuss each other's theories and techniques to improve our thinking, methods and techniques.

As per usual, I am open to receiving constructive criticism on this topic…feel free to repost this or link back to it, feel free to add your thoughts on the topic, questions, answers, ideas...

Or email me at

Thanks for reading
Allen Tiller

Friday, 14 February 2014

Insects and Photography

Insects and Photography
written for

The S.A. Paranormal Meet-ups

Allen Tiller

Insects are often flying and crawling about in many locations paranormal investigators visit, whether it be cemeteries, abandoned buildings, or even private homes, hotels and mansions, it doesnt matter where you go, the likelihood of a flying insect being present is high.

Most investigators don't even factor in their presence, being more interested in getting EMF readings and other measurements before starting their vigils and EVP sessions.

 At Eidolon Paranormal, we take into consideration the fact that many flying insects may be present at a location and we try to identify them, and if possible take photos of them in action for later comparison, as this is not always possible we have invested in some bug catchers from Toy's-R-Us. 

We place our bug catchers in the location to collect a sample of insects, which we can then identify at a later time, making it possible to compare and disregard many photography anomalies based upon the structure of the insect in comparison to orbs and other phenomena in our photos and videos.

There are ways to attract the insects towards your camera for photos, a black light, or insect bug zapper placed underneath the front of your camera tripod will attract certain bugs and moths, allowing you to take the photos you need for later comparison, or you can use our own method from above

What you will notice in your photos is that the “orbs” created from insects are usually of an irregular shape, the further from the camera, the “rounder” they will appear.

If the insect is close to your flash it will usually reflect back to the lens causing a glowing effect around the insect, but the body of the insect, or its wings will usually have shape and definition, but appear glowing and distorted when compared to an insect photo taken without the flash.

Some insects will appear very small and will look like a solid object inside a glowing orb of colour, after trialling the experiments above, you will soon see how to distinguish differing types of smaller insect orbs.

Another common orb is a white orb with a brown “face” like appearance within the orb, in Australia these can often be attributed to Mosquitoes, the smaller body of the mozzie creates less “feedback glow” from the flash but still makes an orb shape, and it's legs often create the illusion, combined with the torso, of a “face" within the orb itself.

For more on Pariedolia please visit our website at:

Many amateur ghost teams and spiritualists post photos of insects online claiming they are “Angels” or “fairies” when quite clearly they are insects, in some of the ones we have come across, even right here in Australia, they are clearly insects, such as moths and gnats.

Eidolon Paranormal is currently undertaking a survey in a local haunted “hotspot” where we are collecting insects at different times of the day/night and in different seasons, to establish the types of flying insects in the area. We are hoping to create an online database for our website, so people that visit the hotspot with little photography knowledge, thinking they have caught something paranormal, can then compare their photo's to our database and debunk their own paranormal photography themselves.

Photo's of our field trips to collect data will be posted at intervals over the coming months.

I would like to thank "MidNite Walkers Paranormal Research Society"  for allowing us the use of some of their photographs for this particular blog
Allen Tiller
© 2007 - 2014 Allen Tiller

All content on “Eidolon Paranormal & The Haunts of Adelaide” sites, blog and corresponding media pages (eg Facebook, twitter etc) is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any means or process without the written permission of the author. © 2012, 2013, 2014

All photos remain the property of their respective copyright owners and are displayed here for the purpose of education, research and review under the copyright act "fair usage" clause.

Some photo's used here on this site are sourced from The Sate Library of South Australia, and The National Library of Australia and - all photos are out of copyright and have no usage restrictions implied.

Monday, 10 February 2014

How To Calibrate Your Mel Meter

How To Calibrate A Mel Meter


Step One: Hold the RECORD/ENTER button and HOLD/ESCAPE button at the same time

Turn power ON

When Mel Meter powers on you will see “S-On” on the display screen – keep holding two buttons

When two buttons are released, “0” (Zero) will appear on the screen, Quickly push the UP arrow button until it reaches “9”


“CAL” will appear on the screen

Numbers will appear on the screen

Let the numbers stabilise

Step Two: press ENTER and then UP arrow

“200” will appear on the bottom of the screen

Let numbers stabilise again

Step Three: Press ENTER and UP Arrow for a third time

“300” will appear on the screen – this is the third and final calibration

Press ENTER again

Then Power Down the meter

Calibration procedure now completed

Now turn on your Mel Meter, it should now be calibrated – if done properly should your Mel Meter should read 0.0

Only do this in a place where no EMF has been previously registered

Saturday, 8 February 2014

How To See Ghosts...

How To See Ghosts...

 are you game?...

This page offers some of the ways we have come across during our research, that other people, paranormal teams and investigators have discovered that have allowed them to "see ghosts" We can not vouch for the authenticity of any of these experiences, methods or experiments.

 Video Feedback

How can you see a ghost in your own home,
even if you don't think it's haunted? There may be a way of using a home video camera through a technique known as video feedback...
This page at shows you how to set it up:
Place your video camera on a tripod and aim it at your TV set.
Connect the video camera to the TV so that what the video camera sees in shown live on the TV.
In other words, you're taking video of what the camera is seeing on the TV.
Zoom in so that the TV screen fills the video frame.
Watch the show.
You'll want to tape it at the same time so you can replay the video frame by frame.

What will you see?
The technique induces video feedback, which can produce a lot of strange images - and in some cases what appear to be human faces, are they ghosts?
Several examples of this weirdness can be seen further down on this page...

Recording Video ITC using a Video Editor

If you have a digital camcorder, the Klaus Schreiber Method can be easily adapted for use with video capture and editing software. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Connect your camcorder to the computer, using the USB or Firewire (IEEE 1394) cable.
  2. Open your video editing software (e.g., Windows Movie Maker) and select "capture video". Choose a filename for the recording.
  3. Set the manual focus of the camcorder at about 12 inches (30cm). Do not use autofocus.
  4. Hold the camcorder about 6-10 inches (15-25cm) from the screen and point it at the preview window in your video editing software. You should see the output from the camcorder in the preview window.
  5. Slowly zoom in on the centre of the preview window until you see the swirling clouds, then stop zooming.
  6. Start video capture (you do not need to record using the camcorder, but you can also do this if you want to make a backup).
  7. If you wish, talk to the "spirits", inviting them to appear, or ask questions.
  8. While you are recording, gently aim the camcorder into the dark areas and swirling clouds.
  9. When you have finished recording, examine every frame of the video for any anomalous images. You can use your video editing software to take pictures of individual frames.
  10. If you are not satisfied with the results, try experimenting with different focus, zoom and distance from the screen..
The short video clip below demonstrates the basic procedure. This video was made using a Sony DCR-H37E digital camcorder, which has a 40x optical zoom, and Windows Movie Maker.

How To See and Talk To Ghosts


"Dream Whip"

When seeking out the paranormal, whatever your feelings are on such matters, it is important to address them honestly before starting to look for ghosts. Many people are more comfortable not knowing what is going on around them. Some get hit with unexpected fear of the unknown which can draw negative entities to them. Seeing and communicating with ghosts is a simple process. It does take a bit of sensitivity to your environment, but if you are willing to do the work, you will get good results. Ghosts and entities surround us all the time. It is a rare place that never has any activity in it of this nature! In general, the best place to start looking for ghosts is not a haunted house or castle, but your own home!

To begin this process, in a safe and relaxed manner, we will break it into three parts. First, we will wish to shield, for comfort and safety, second we will introduce the basic method of seeing ghosts, and third, the techniques used to communicate with them will be explored. Find a room where you can sit comfortably and relax. Take a few minutes to clear your mind, but keep your eyes open. Darken the room, but leave at least a small light source, as it will make it easier to define what you are looking at in relationship to the room.


Imagine an egg-shaped sphere around you. Hold in your mind the idea of this shield keeping you safe from all intrusive energy that may be present. Feel secure in your shielding; it will protect you from harm. Maintain this field for several minutes, this will allow it to have enough strength to last if your attention waivers, which it probably will the first few times you see a ghost!

Seeing Ghosts:

There are several techniques you can use to sense and perceive ghosts, use any that works for you, or be creative and create your own technique as you progress. These basic techniques will let almost everyone see ghosts within ten to fifteen minutes. I suggest you start here and experiment as you improve.

Hold your mind as free of thoughts as possible. Allow your eyes to defocus and your body to relax. Slow your eye movements and scan the room by moving your head. After a few moments, you will notice parts of your visual field that you usually ignore, subtle things that are always there. As you pay attention to movement, flashes of light or colour, or even a “sense” of presence, keep your eyes relaxed.

Alternatively, you can “see” most of the same things with your eyes closed! Close your eyes and keep your mind as clear as possible. Focus your attention ahead of you, much as if you were looking with your physical eyes. This helps most people concentrate, as it is a part of their normal functioning patterns. After a few moments, you will likely notice movement in the room around you. It is not uncommon to be able to sense the room and the people in it, in a fashion that leaves ghostly images in your mind.

With a bit of practice, you will begin to notice forms moving through the space you are looking at. Some will ignore you no matter what you do, but many take your attention as a sign that they should try to interact with you! If you respond in a kind and gentle manner, you will find that you can open up communication with some of them.

Communicating With Ghosts:

Ghosts will often try to communicate in several ways, they will gesture, mouth words, generate words using ambient sounds and communicate on a telepathic level. By paying attention to what they do and say you can often get very clear pictures of what it is they wish to tell you.

If you keep your mind very clear, you will be able to pick up the impressions that the ghosts or entity is trying to send you. Remember that even though some entities will try to frighten you, they have no real power over you. In fact, you are far more powerful, having a body to generate useful energy to perform the task at hand, as well as having the ability to use environmental energy like they do. Don’t let them intimidate you. This is the main reason for being well shielded at the beginning of this adventure, not so much for protection, as you probably won’t need it, but to prevent fear from entering your mind.

To send a message that they can understand, simply hold the concept, the impression, you wish them to receive, in your mind. Given a clear and focused impression, they will likely come to understand you in just a few moments!

Some words of warning before you start... After a few days of regular practice communicating with ghosts, hundreds or even thousands may appear, all vying for your attention! This can seem overwhelming at first, to say the least! Remember though, that you can shield your person or home to keep them out, even specific rooms in your house, such as the bathroom, or you can simply ignore them.

If you go back to being boring, by not talking to them, they will rapidly seek entertainment elsewhere! Give them no attention for a week and all but the most dedicated will be gone.

With a little work, you can experience many of the same things that the top mediums have reported through the ages, in a safe and non-threatening way! Follow the basic steps and have fun!


It is believed that if a child is born at midnight it has the gift of sight and is able to see beyond the grave. This child is known as the chime child. The seventh son of the seventh son is also supposed to have this power.

If you wish to have a deceased relative find their way home, by the Maya’s tradition, all you have to do is draw a chalk line from their grave to the fireplace of your home. This way the spirit will always be able to find its way back home.

In a medieval spell book explains that if you wish to learn what spirits live in a cemetery, all you have to do is burn a mixture of aloe, musk, saffron, vervain, and pepper.

What is EMF?

This article was written by Allen Tiller for the S.A. Paranormal Meet-up in February 2012

What is EMF?

EMF is an abbreviation of “Electromagnetic field”. EMF is a combination of Magnetic and Electrical Fields.  Electrical fields are created by voltage, the greater the voltage the higher field.
Magnetic Fields are created when electric current flows, the greater the current the bigger the magnetic field.
An electric field can exist without current flow, but when the current does flow the magnetic field with vary depending on the amount of power being consumed – the electric field remains constant with no variation
EMF is a constant in nature, it is everywhere around us all the time but remains invisible to the human eye. Electric fields can be made from the building up of electric charges in the atmosphere associated with thunderstorms, Magnetic fields are a constant in nature as well, think about the Earth's poles, created by our magnetic field.

How does this apply to your EMF Meter?

There are many brands and types of meters used to measure EMF, but the two most common categories are single axis and tri-axis meters.
Electromagnetic fields can be generated by AC or DC currents. An EMF meter can measure AC electromagnetic fields, which are usually emitted from man-made sources such as electrical wiring, while gauss meters or magnetometers measure DC fields, which occur naturally in Earth's geomagnetic field and are emitted from other sources where direct current is present...

The majority of EMF meters are calibrated to measure between 50 and 60 hertz.


KII Meter

KII (2): is a single axis meter reading between 50Hz and 20,000HZ. Its accuracy and sensitivity are both low, it is useful for measuring power lines, wiring and appliances.

Enzone E.L.F.-Zone

Enzone E.L.F.-Zone: measures between 50 – 10,000 Hertz and is a single axis meter. Its sensitivity and accuracy are considered 'medium'. It is used to locate “hotspots” of EMF and is one of the cheapest units around


Electro-Sensor:  Measures between 50-60 HZ is a single axis and is considered a 'medium accuracy and sensitivity' device. It is very cheap.

Gauss Master

Gauss Master: This unit measures between 50 – 60hz and has an audible tone. It is also cheap,. 

Trifield Meter

Trifield Meter: 50-100hz, this meter features 3-axis so is useful for AC magnetic or AC electric fields. It is probably the best of all the EMF meters on the market but does require some research to use it correctly. This meter requires re-calibration.


Mel Meter: The Mel Meter was designed by Gary Galka after the death of his oldest daughter.  He designed the Meter as a way to communicate with her after she (allegedly) began to visit his family from the spirit realm. The meter is named after his daughter Melissa, it takes its numbers 8704 from her birth and death year, birth being 1987 and death 2004.
The Mel is designed to register AC and DC fluctuations, and temperature changes simultaneously.  The Mel can measure as low as 30Hz (20Hz lower then the K2)
The Mel meter is a “two-axis” meter – it has two independent coils used to measure Emf, the first coil is calibrated to measure 30Hz to 300Hz which falls into the ELF(Extremely low frequency) Range. The other coil measure 20Hz and up
The temperature part of the Mel, the “thermo coupler” can only measure ambient temperatures which make contact with the beaded tip of the probe itself.

Using your Mel Meter (and most other meters) 

Like most EMF meters the Mel Meter coils are very sensitive. It is important not to move the Meter with any kind of jolting action as you will get a false reading. It is best to remain steady if moving the meter, or better yet, use its rear stand, or a small camera stand, to set it somewhere and communicate or take readings.
The EMF sensor of the Mel is located in the top of the unit between the thermo-coupler and the LED glow lamp. 
To measure EMF turn the unit on and select the range in which you wish to measure; Ut – for micro Teslas or Mg for miligauss readings 

Move the unit very slowly, move towards whatever you wish to measure until touching it, the display will give you a reading. Turn the meter at a different angle to the object and observe how your reading is affected – record your highest and lowest readings 

During Investigations: 

I recommend a full sweep of the premises, to begin with, recording on a map all “hotspots” - then, if possible, another sweep with the power turned off. This will give you all-natural EMF readings within the premises. 

What this does is allow you to create a baseline of readings you can then compare to whilst investigating, it gives you the ability to rule out any electrical and natural EMF and therefore raises the possibility of “paranormal” measurements in areas away from high EMF sources

How to Calibrate your Mel Meter.

 of copyright and have no usage restrictions implied.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Ouija Boards and the Ideomotor Effect

Ideomotor Effect

 Researched and Written 
Allen Tiller

William Carpenter

“Ideomotor effect” is a term first coined in 1852, by William Carpenter, in his research to explain the movements of planchettes, dowsing rods and pendulums by psychics.
Carpenter's research documents indicate that muscular movement can be achieved by the human brain unconsciously, thus initiating movement unknowingly to the holder of a pendulum or other paranormal “seeing” device.

Carpenter identified the Ideomotor Effect as a third category of non-conscious behaviour, with excitomotor (breathing) and sensorimotor (being startled) effects being the first and second categories.  He theorised that hypnotic suggestion, applied kinesiology and the movement of pointers on an Ouija Board are all applied due to the Ideomotor effect.
Ideomotor effects occur without the conscious choice of any person, they are subtle, often unnoticeable movements that draw from a person's emotions - an example of this would be tears forming in the eye when one is happy or sad, a totally unconscious effect of the human existence.
The effect has been researched and continually expanded on over the years since Carpenters' discovery.

American Psychologist Ray Hyman writes in 1977, “Honest, intelligent people can unconsciously engage in muscular activity that is constant with their expectations”. They also show that suggestions that can guide behaviour can be given by subtle clues by onlookers and those involved in seances or Ouija board sessions.

So how does this apply to the paranormal?
As we have seen above with our preconceived notions, our minds manipulate our muscles and lead our pendulum or Ouija board planchette to answers we already expect, whether good or bad,

This would suggest that nothing paranormal is happening in our dowsing experiments/ sessions, but is this definitive proof that the Ideomotor effect is the cause, some researchers don't believe so and experiments are being done to prove otherwise.

In recent experiments, a gentleman from “project reveal” attached his Pendulum to a Vander-Graff to prove that static electricity can move a pendulum.

Watch his video here:

 Moving a Pendulum using Magnetic Fields

This one we are going to leave open for you, Constant Reader, to decide what you believe, visit us in our forums here on the Eidolon Paranormal website to discuss this phenomenon further and your beliefs as to whether it is indeed paranormal, or actually a natural phenomenon!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Protection for Ghost Hunters


After many requests from our readers here and on other sites, I have decided to reinstate this page. We here at Eidolon make no claims that these prayers are going to protect you against the unknown...

Whether it be affirmations, Prayers to God, Angels or Saints, or the use of symbols and white light, spiritual protection is as important as a torch on any ghost hunt.
 Some reading this may scoff at such a suggestion, but they forget or have no understanding of the power of prayer. Prayer can build strength from within, comforting and calming one's mind so as not to be shocked or fearful of that which we don't understand... is better to be safe than sorry...


I am sealed from all imperfect energies. 
I am divinely protected and guided.  Any spirits that I encounter will remain bound to the confines of the cemetery/house/location.
May all that is not in accordance with the highest will of God, within and without my entire being, be immediately transformed into divine light.
In the name of God( or an Angel or Saint), please protect and guide me as I investigate [insert your location here], keep me safe from those that mean me harm


Visualise a bubble of white light around yourself, protecting the outer edge of your aura like a strong, flexible egg-shell. Your bubble can be filled with any colour that takes your fancy when you visualise it- blue is always good for protection. Experiment to see which colour you feel most comfortable with. Make sure that your bubble goes all around you- behind your back and under your feet too. Use your intention to ensure that the bubble repels all negativity, but will allow positive energies to flow through it. Put your bubble in place whenever you feel the need for protection. – and remember to KEEP REINFORCING IT!


Psychic Protection Prayer

I/We humbly ask for divine protection to protect us on all levels. We ask for the heavenly rays to be poured upon us in abundance.
I/We command the presence of the angelic realms and for Metatron and Michael to stand at the head.
May the Christ light, the Buddha light, the Mahatma Energy, the holy spirit, the Reiki energy, the light of all Archangelic beings and all Ascended Masters permanently encase US with their love………..
We ask the Mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of our being. We also ask the Mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of mother earth and all lifeforms according to the highest will of God.
I/We call forth Archangel Zadkiel, and St Germain and ask for the Silver – Violet –Flame to be fully anchored, and permanently encased within and around our whole beings…
I/We ask that this Silver violet Divine flame be sent forth into our past…into our present …into our future transmuting all our karma ...we also ask Lord Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael to assist us….to help us transmute and perfectly balance all karma.
We ask the archangels to place a protective star of David, around our being and home permanently.
We call forth Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Hanniel and the company of Heaven and ask for the green flame, and the white flame to be fully anchored and permanently encased within and without our beings.
We also call forth Archangel Metatron, the Mahatma, Lord Maitreya and Sananda and ask for all negative thoughtforms, lost souls, negative residues, negative elementals and soul fragments to be permanently healed and taken into the light….. within our auric fields, homes and world…may all be freed according to the highest will of God.
We also ask for the pink flame of the Archangelic realms to be fully anchored and permanently encased within and without our being.
I/We ask Archangel Michael to fully anchor your Silver Armoured Metallic Suit Around our beings permanently.
I/We ask Archangel Michael to cut away all karmic ties permanently and to anchor your special blue armoured flame permanently, encasing our whole being, from within and without, I/We also call forth Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael and ask for the sealing and transmutation of all holes and leakages within and without my Auric Field.
May all that is not in accordance with the highest will of God, within and without my entire being be immediately transmuted into Divine Light
May I be Divinely aligned, healed and re-energised on every level of my being, perfectly balanced within the threefold flame of God.
May I always be shown the way and given full support in all the work I do for mankind's advancement and spiritual enhancement and healing.
May I be purified and Blessed upon every level of my being, in the work I do and be given more and more divine power as each day goes by and more and more protection as my healing progresses and expands.
May I radiate the heavenly rays wherever I go and help all who come across my path.
Dear beloved God Presence, I AM (Monad) presence, Soul Presence, The Mahatma Energy, the collective consciousness of the Ascended Masters, In the name of God within us, we ask that this Divine meditative prayer, be multiplied and manifested and used to assist all lifeforms on this planet and throughout the universe. We accept it done according to the highest Will of God.
I / We humbly Thank you – Amen 

Saturday, 1 February 2014

As In Life, As In Death - A Paranormal Theory


As In Life, As In Death
A Paranormal Theory

Allen Tiller

“David was a grumpy old man, he'd spent 40 years working in poor conditions in a factory for minimum wage, spent his life living in public housing, never being able to afford a house of his own. His children had grown up with hand me down clothing as money was tight. This led to complications with his marriage, which ended in divorce.
Even as a young man, David was always in a bad mood, the world around him got him down. He got no happiness from sport, no satisfaction from work or family and eventually, died a miserable old coot with no friends...”

Now, I have a question for you, Constant readers, If “David” from my story above lived a miserable life, and was generally a sad miserable person, would he be released from his anguish and be a happy man in the after-world, or would he be as in life?

It is an interesting question and one I have pondered upon for quite some time. Firstly let's remove religious bliss, things like going to Heaven and receiving forgiveness from this equation, and focus purely on the soul of the man that has shed his dense earthly skin.
So now David is a Ghost, he looks much like he did, he sounds much like he did.... does that mean he is the same “soul” he was when he was alive?
It is my wager that he indeed is exactly the same person, just without the dense human vessel around him.
Now, let's leave David to his misery and change the focus of emotion to something a bit darker, let's say, Anger.

Same scenario, but I'll name our Angry character "Susan".

Now Susie has been angry her whole life, and, if my theory is correct, is angry in Death.

New people move into Susie's house after her passing, she doesn’t like them much (she doesn’t like anyone much), and begins to cause trouble, little things at first, slowly building as her anger builds...
Soon the new occupants are worried and call in a paranormal investigation team.
The team begins their investigation, and Susie becomes even angrier as these strangers start asking inane questions of her...she scratches one of the investigators to get her point across...
Now, constant reader, You are that investigator, and you know nothing of Susie in you jump to the conclusion of angry ghost lady, or do you jump to something “demonic”?

My belief is most would jump to the demonic theory and not even contemplate an Angry Susie ghost, this is partly because of the current trend of TV shows that come to the “demonic” theory all too quickly, partly because of the movie industry (think “The Exorcist, Amityville) and maybe a little bit of presumption on my part.

It is my belief that as we are now, we are the same person after death, of course, this is just my own personal theory, and may not apply to every living person, I imagine someone in intense physical pain, or with a degenerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s may be freed from their affliction in death, and become negative or positive, depending on their outlook, and return to something like their old self – but who is to say really? As with all things in the paranormal world, it is just a theory and probably opens more questions as to what is possible...

It is, however, constant reader, my goal to get you thinking about such theories, and hopefully adding your views, thoughts or questions to the discussion about this article in the Eidolon Paranormal forums found on our website at – I look forward to reading your comments (but please keep the negativity to a minimum)
- Allen Tiller

© 2014 Allen Tiller

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