The Curse of Robert the Doll
Key West Florida 1897, The wealthy Otto family moved into their large plantation home, it is said the Otto's were particularly cruel to their servants and dealt out unjust punishments upon them for no good reason.The Otto's welcomed their firstborn child Gene in 1906. the Ottos had a number of servant girls and gave one the distinction of being the Nanny of their young son.
The young girl, it is said, was well versed in Voodoo, and upon Gene's 6th birthday presented him with a new doll. Gene loved his new friend and named him Robert.
Robert went everywhere Gene went, the two were inseparable. As time passed the family noticed their son's fascination with the doll was becoming all-consuming. It wasn’t long before they noticed some unusual goings on with the doll. While listening to their son play, they heard him asking questions, and heard answers from an unknown voice, when the Father entered the room to check he saw no one present. He asked Gene who had been in his room answering him, Gene would only
reply “Robert."
Gene began to suffer terrible nightmares and would wake the house with his scream of terror in the night, when the Father would run into the room he would find all of Gene's furniture overturned and Gene in his bed trembling with fear. Robert would be sitting upright at the end of his bed, glaring at him.
Gene would shout “ Robert did it! Robert did it!”
Gene's Father died and Gene inherited the family home. He moved into the house with his wife Ann and used a room as his studio, as Gene was now a semi-famous artist. He would always have Robert with him in his studio, and paint, talking to the doll as if in deep conversation. Ann grew to despise the doll and her husband's obsession with it, eventually, she told her husband to put it in the attic, and he did so, visiting Robert with regularity.

Legends grew among local children about the doll. Some said they would see it dancing in the window, others told how its head would follow them as they walked past, with a scowling look upon its face. Most children avoided looking at the Otto house altogether as they passed.
Gene and Ann's relationship was slowly deteriorating, Gene would lash out at his wife, throwing objects at her and smashing furniture. Gene's demeanour would change from normal to menacing and back again. He would apologise to Ann for his bad behaviour blaming it on the doll, “It was Robert, Ann. Robert did it!”
Ann began to question her husband's sanity.
In the early 1970s Gene became very ill, he would not allow his wife to aid him and instead locked himself in a room with the doll. Robert Eugene Otto died in the guest room of his house with his doll Robert, laying alongside him. Ann sold the house and moved on, leaving Robert somewhat hidden in the attic.
A new family moved into the home, and in their efforts to clean the attic found the doll laying under a number of old boxes. The couple's daughter took a shine to the doll and added it to her own porcelain doll collection. It wasn’t long until Robert was up to his old tricks again. The family would be woken by the girl screaming in the bedroom, only to enter and find all her furniture strewn across the room.
She claimed that Robert had been running around the room jumping up and down breaking things. It is said to this day the then girl, now a 40-something-year-old woman, still claims what happened with the doll is truthful.

One of the most common stories regarding the doll is that of camera malfunctions in his presence, it appears, unless one asks Robert directly if they can take a photo of him, your camera will not work in his presence, this phenomenon has been documented on numerous occasions.
Guards will often leave candy in Robert's presence as a way to bribe him into not causing any damage in the museum, often they return in the morning to find just the wrappers at his feet.
Rumour has it that Robert was put together by Gene's Nanny for revenge for her harsh treatment by the Otto Family. It is suggested she was well versed in voodoo and that she put a curse on the doll as she filled his insides with animal bones and evil relics.
One of the strangest things about Robert is he appears to be aging, his hair has turned white and he is starting to look old and worn, is it possible, that whatever lurks inside Robert's tiny body is also subject to the ravages of time?
Much has been documented about Robert The Doll, a quick google search will reveal a great number of eye witness testimony and letters written to the doll asking to have curses lifted, whether or not you choose to believe Robert is haunted and cursed is up to you, but the evidence is mounting!
© Allen Tiller - 2012
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