Carlo J Vella
Today we travel to Spain to meet Carlo from the Paranormal Research Team Spain. Carlo has had a long time interest in paranormal subjects, even as a child, and spent much of his time reading horror novels and watching horror movies, with a particular interest in “ghost” movies.

Although Carlo doesn't consider himself a psychic, he can sometimes read into what happened in the area when he feels there is residual energy
In Spain, there is a village named “Zaragoza”, which was destroyed in the Spanish civil war, is one of Carlo's favourite places to investigate:
Carlo: “So many people died and there is something hauntingly beautiful and eerie about the place”

I asked Carlo “ Has anything unexplainable or paranormal ever happened on an investigation that you wish to share?”
Carlo “A few times I felt pains, sometimes sharp pains in my back or legs when visiting an old cathedral. Before the cathedral was built a battle took place on that spot. Many were wounded, shot, knifed etc. After a minute the pain was gone.”
Carlo also told me a little about some evidence his team captured whilst visiting Malta

Carlo is also an accomplished author and English teacher in Spain
To read more about Carlo please visit his website here
or his team page on facebook here:
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