Sunday 26 May 2024

Bishop Exorcises Ghost

 Bishop Exorcises Ghost


The Canberra Times reported in September 1952 that the Assistant Bishop of Perth, the Right Reverend C.E.S. Muschamp visited a house in Claremont, west of Perth, to ‘lay a ghost’ that had been harassing a family. Rev. Muschamp was assisted by the Rector of St Andrews Church of England, the Rev. A.F. Blain. The two men blessed the house while saying prayers and sprinkling holy water.

A female occupant of the house awoke one night to find the apparition of a lady standing next to her bed. The following night, the same apparition appeared. When the woman described the apparition to neighbours, they recognized it as a former owner. The former owner was a woman who died in hospital just after World War II. Her body was returned to the home, and a wake was held before her funeral.  Since her death, three other families had lived in the home, without incident.

The ghost reportedly was dressed normally and had grey hair and China blue eyes. The ghost was troubling one of the young children in the home, which led to the appeal to the church for an exorcism.[1]

Despite knowing who the lady was when alive, the Christian ministers claimed the lady was an ‘evil spirit’, and at ‘unrest.’ How horrendous for living relatives![2]


Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

[1] 'Claremont Service to Exorcise 'Ghost'', The West Australian, (11 September 1952), p. 1. 

[2] 'Bishop Exorcises Ghost In Perth Home', The Canberra Times, (11 September 1952), p. 1.