Friday 30 August 2024



The Eidolon Paranormal Blog, written by Allen Tiller, will be moving permanently to the Patreon platform. The Blog here will stay as it is as a record of the last 10 years of research. ALL new posts will be made here:

Sunday 25 August 2024

The Byrne’s Mill Haunting, Queanbeyan, New South Wales.

The Byrne’s Mill Haunting - 

Queanbeyan, New South Wales.

The land on which Byrne’s Millhouse, at 58 Collett Street, Queanbeyan, New South Wales sits was originally purchased from Hughes and Hosking’s by Martin Byrne in the early 1880s. Martin Byrne was a prominent businessman and hotelier in Queanbeyan. In 1883, Byrne completed building the house and flour mill. Byrne’s son, James managed the mill and lived in the house next door. The flour mill ultimately failed due to the railway arriving and was sold in 1889. It was cheaper to bring processed flour via rail than to produce it at the mill.
James Byrne lived in the house until his wife died in 1902. The Mill was later used as storage for J.B. Young Limited, a local department store. The Mill building was abandoned until 1978 when Derek Wigley set about renovating it. A new veranda and deck were added.[1] The Mill became a restaurant during the late 1980s, and early 1990s.
Mill House, in 1983 opened as a bookshop, antique shop and tearoom opened by Mercia Kaczmarowski.[2] From 2007 until selling the mill house in 2018, the property was lived in by the Richter family.[3] Mill House was Queanbeyan Books and Prints in 2009.[4]

It has long been alleged that the Mill and Mill House are haunted. Diners at the mill often reported a ghostly presence and feelings of being watched by an unseen spectre. Restaurant owner, Lisa Mudge denied that there was a haunting in her premises, despite the numerous claims by patrons.[5]

The old Mill House is commonly listed as one of the most haunted buildings in Queanbeyan!

Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

[1] Derek Wrigley, ‘1978 Conversion of Historic Byrne’s Mill, Collet St. Queanbeyan into restaurant and offices,’ Derek F Wrigley A 20th Century Designer, (2016),

[2] 'Queanbeyan Old mill houses tearoom, restaurant and bookshop', The Canberra Times, (4 March 1984), p. 13.

[3] Stephanie Anderson, ‘Piece of Queanbeyan history up for grabs,’ The Canberra Times, (2018),

[4] ‘Queanbeyan,’ Sydney Morning Herald, (2009),

[5] 'No ghost, but great food', The Canberra Times, (28 December 1993), p. 17.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Ghost at the Royal Derwent Hospital - New Norfolk, Tasmania.


Ghost at the Royal Derwent Hospital - New Norfolk, Tasmania. 

In 1991, the Canberra Times (newspaper) reported on a haunting in the Royal Derwent Hospital in New Norfolk, Tasmania. Staff at the hospital, which is part of the Willow Court Asylum complex, reported hearing music from an unknown source, and doors and windows opening and closing of their own volition.
 One staff member reported being physically assaulted by an apparition that threw him through a doorway on three separate occasions. 
I have transcribed the newspaper story below, which can be found on Trove here:

'Tas hospital staff report seeing ghost', The Canberra Times. (25 July 1991), p. 5., 2021,

Tas Hospital staff report seeing ghost

HOBART: Professional counsellors have been called in to help frightened hospital workers who say they are being terrorised by a ghost at Tasmania's major psychiatric hospital.
One male nurse told management he had been grabbed by "an apparition" and thrown into a doorway on three separate occasions last week while on duty in Ward 5 of the Royal Derwent Hospital at New Norfolk, 30km north of Hobart. He has since been moved from duties in the ward and was undergoing counselling.
Other workers reported hearing strange music, doors banging and windows opening of their own accord.
Disability and community support services manager Mark Francis confirmed yesterday that six employees had reported seeing an apparition in the ward.
He said they worked for the nearby Willow Court Centre, which cared for moderate to severely intellectually handicapped patients. The centre, built in the 1830s to rehabilitate convicts, is using the Royal Derwent's Ward 5 on a short-term basis.
Mr Francis said he was told on Tuesday of the poltergeist after staff gave a report to the general manager of Willow Court last Friday.
He said 25 patients were kept in the ward but there had been no change in their behaviour to indicate they may have been disturbed by any paranormal activity.
Mr Francis said his department was adopting a "wait and see" attitude and would assess reports from counsellors after they interviewed staff.


Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

Sunday 30 June 2024

A Haunting at Tellicherry, India.

 A Haunting at Tellicherry, India.


In 1931, it was reported globally that a former Deputy Collector in Tellicherry, (Thalassery), Kerala, India, was being haunted. British Collectors administered Kottayam, Malabar (as it was then called).[1] 

This deputy collector had recently built a new house and lived in it briefly before the haunting began.
One day, the man’s pillow caught fire for no explainable reason. The pillow burnt through, but the mattress underneath remained unburnt. A new pillow is purchased and goes missing in just a few days. The pillow is then found in a well by a local drawing up water.

One day, the man’s pillow caught fire for no explainable reason. The pillow burnt through, but the mattress underneath remained unburnt. A new pillow is purchased, and in just a few days, goes missing. The pillow is then found in a well by a local drawing up water.
 The crockery in the kitchen of the house began to leap from shelves, smashing all over the floor. On occasion, large stones are seen to be flying through the house at great speeds. One whizzes past the head of a witness. The key to a cash box disappears, so a new one is made. The new key disappears, and the old key returns. The cash box is opened, and the new key is found inside.
The victim’s spectacles disappeared. The household utensils…and the last indignity, while sitting for dinner, dirt is thrown from an unseen hand, landing on the victim’s dinner.
He decides to leave and never return to Tellicherry.[2]

Researched and written by Allen Tiller ©2024

[1] Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Thalassery." Encyclopedia Britannica, (September 13, 2023).

[2] 'BULLIED BY GHOSTS!', Northern Territory Times, (16 October 1931), p. 1.

Sunday 26 May 2024

Bishop Exorcises Ghost

 Bishop Exorcises Ghost


The Canberra Times reported in September 1952 that the Assistant Bishop of Perth, the Right Reverend C.E.S. Muschamp visited a house in Claremont, west of Perth, to ‘lay a ghost’ that had been harassing a family. Rev. Muschamp was assisted by the Rector of St Andrews Church of England, the Rev. A.F. Blain. The two men blessed the house while saying prayers and sprinkling holy water.

A female occupant of the house awoke one night to find the apparition of a lady standing next to her bed. The following night, the same apparition appeared. When the woman described the apparition to neighbours, they recognized it as a former owner. The former owner was a woman who died in hospital just after World War II. Her body was returned to the home, and a wake was held before her funeral.  Since her death, three other families had lived in the home, without incident.

The ghost reportedly was dressed normally and had grey hair and China blue eyes. The ghost was troubling one of the young children in the home, which led to the appeal to the church for an exorcism.[1]

Despite knowing who the lady was when alive, the Christian ministers claimed the lady was an ‘evil spirit’, and at ‘unrest.’ How horrendous for living relatives![2]


Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

[1] 'Claremont Service to Exorcise 'Ghost'', The West Australian, (11 September 1952), p. 1. 

[2] 'Bishop Exorcises Ghost In Perth Home', The Canberra Times, (11 September 1952), p. 1.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Exorcism for Headless Ghost: Part 2 – Exorcism.

 Exorcism for Headless Ghost:

 Part 2 – Exorcism.

A headless ghost haunting the London head office of Coutts and Co. bank was claimed to be identified by Eddie Burks. The ghost was often seen during the day and sometimes in the evening. In the presence of the apparition, the temperature would change, and electrical devices would malfunction.

Thomas Howard (1536 – 1572) 4th Duke of Norfolk, was a second cousin of Queen Elizabeth I. He was involved in a plot to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I in favour of Mary Stuart, the daughter of King James V of Scotland. Mary’s husband, King Francis II of France died, and Mary returned to Scotland where she became Mary, Queen of Scots.
Queen Elizabeth suggested Howard as a possible husband for Mary, but Mary chose someone else. Her husband was murdered shortly after the wedding. Elizabeth appointed Howard to investigate the murder. Howard discovered Mary was complicit in the murder. Mary’s advisors encouraged a union between Howard and Mary to stop his investigation. Howard agreed as he believed Elizabeth would be pleased.[1]
 Elizabeth, however, decided that a union between Howard and Mary would be dangerous for her, so in 1569, she had Mary imprisoned. She had Howard arrested and detained in the Tower of London. Howard was later released, but with the stipulation that he would not be involved in any plots with Mary against Queen Elizabeth.[2]
 A plot was envisioned to kidnap Elizabeth and place Mary on the throne. In 1571, Queen Elizabeth was made aware of the plot, and the fact that Howard had been sending money to Mary’s supporters in Scotland. Howard, who was not part of the kidnap plot, was named as the head of it by Mary. He was arrested and again placed in the Tower of London. On June 2, 1572, at age 37, Thomas Howard was beheaded.[3]

Eddie Burks was able to persuade the spirit that the time had come for him to depart the earthly realm. On 15th November 1993, an exorcism was conducted, and a congregation that included the present Duke and Duchess of Norfolk and the Earl and Countess of Arundel gathered at the nearby Catholic church.[4] They prayed for the repose of Thomas Howard’s soul.[5] Burks claimed to assist the ghost in resolving his bitterness. The ghost’s daughter (in spirit) appeared and took Howard’s hand. They moved into the light together.[6]

On leaving the service the present Duke was asked by a reporter if he was glad that his ancestor was finally at rest. “Actually” came the reply “I don’t believe in ghosts.”


Despite the exorcism, Thomas Howard's ghost visited Burks on occasion. Howard’s ghost returned to give his thanks for his releasement. He was now in a beautiful place with his daughter. On June 2, 1994, the anniversary of his execution, Howard came again and said he still felt sad about his execution but knew he could let go of those emotions.


Researched and written by Allen Tiller © 2024

[1] Robert Stedall, ‘Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk,’ Mary Queen of,

[2] Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Thomas Howard, 4th duke of Norfolk." Encyclopedia Britannica, (29 May, 2023).

[3] ‘Queen’s Bank: Haunting of Coutts & Co.,’ Occult World, (2023),

[4] 'Exorcism for headless ghost', The Canberra Times, (15 November 1993), p. 7.

[5] Esther Oxford, ‘Execution victim finds peace after 400 years,’ Independent, (1993),

[6] ‘Newspaper: Psychic ‘departs’ London Ghost,’ Tampa Bay Times, (1993).

Sunday 21 April 2024

Exorcism for Headless Ghost: Part 1 - Coutts and Co Bank.

 Exorcism for Headless Ghost: Part 1 -

 Coutts and Co Bank.


In 1993, world media reported on a headless ghost that was haunting Coutts & Co Bank. The bank is sometimes known as The Queen’s Bank (now King’s) as the Royal Family are customers.  Coutts & Co. was founded in 1692. The bank's headquarters has been located at 440 Strand in London since the late 1970s, in a building constructed in the 1820s.

 In 1992, several female employees began to complain of a ghost. Computers and electric lighting would fail, the temperature would plummet, and a shadowy figure would be seen floating through the building. A receptionist reported witnessing a full-bodied apparition crossing the atrium floor, that she knew as a ghost. After this experience, many female employees refused to work in the building.[1]
 Meanwhile, other employees in the building were reporting a headless phantom at the bank entrances, coinciding with temperature drops. This apparition was most often seen during the day and early evening.[2]

 The bank sought someone to investigate the alleged haunting. They contacted the College of Psychic Studies in Kensington, who recommended, Eddie Burks. During his investigation, Burks held a séance. He claimed he contacted Thomas Howard, who told him, ‘I was beheaded on a summer’s day… I have held much bitterness and…I must let this go. In the name of God, I ask your help…’[3]

After the story broke in the media, a Jesuit priest and member of the Royal Historical Society, Father Francis Edwards, identified the headless ghost as Thomas Howard, the fourth Duke of Norfolk. Howard was married to the daughter of the 12th Earl of Arundel and was widowed in 1557.

Next week, the story continues with Exorcism for Headless Ghost: Part 2

Researched and written by Allen Tiller. © 2024

[1] Burks, Eddie & Cribbs, Gillian. Ghosthunter: Investigating the World of Ghosts and Spirits, (1995), pp. 37-57.

[2] Rosemary Ellen Guiley, ‘The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, (2007).

[3] Burks & Cribbs, Ghosthunter (1995), pp. 37-57.